Adventures of Cyber Bee
CyberBee is designed for K-12 teachers and encourages engaged learning and problem solving skills through a variety of activities based on frameworks such as the WebQuest, treasure hunts, and Big6.
Arizona State University
Chicana and Chicano Space: Inquiry
Provided by Arizona State University, this website is a comprehensive thematic, inquiry-based art education resource. Includes two interdisciplinary units of lessons.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Internet Statistics
This site has some brief but helpful statistics about the growth of the Net and the Web.
Cengage Learning
Houghton Mifflin: Project Based Learning Space
Houghton Mifflin has created a comprehensive resource for project-based learning. This site is full of ideas, explanations, projects, and more.
National Academy of Engineering
Greatest Achievements: Computers
Computers are one of the top 20 engineering innovations of the 20th century. Read the history behind this great invention.
Columbia University
Columbia University:on the History and Impact of the Net
This page includes several versions of a book written about the history and significance of the Internet.
Pennsylvania State University
Penn State University: Design a Theme Park About Music
This is a WebQuest activity in which students design a theme park consisting of musical "Lands," of various styles and genres.
Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech: Computer Citizenship
An in-depth article on Computer/Internet ethics. Includes personal property, copyright, plagiarism, respect, and protecting yourself and others. Also includes examples for class discussion questions.
Bbc News: Technology: Fifteen Years of the Web
BBC News presents a timeline that shows the beginning of the World Wide Web introduced by Tim Berners-Lee in August 1991 as a tool for physicists through August 2006 when there are almost one hundred million websites online and it is a...
Wikipedia: Personal Firewall
Wikipedia offers general information describing a personal firewall. Includes hyperlinked terms and external links.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: The Technology Trip [Pdf]
"The Technology Trip" is a one page, fictional, reading passage about children who planned a trip to the museum using the Internet to find the bus schedule. On the way, the bus was hit by a car so another bus had to take them. It is...
Popular Science
Popular Science
Popular Science is a monthly science magazine covering the latest in science, technology, electronics, computers, software, automotive, and home technology.
Text Project
Text Project: Fyi for Kids: Vol. 5, Issue 6: What's Your Name? [Pdf]
This magazine article discusses how technology changes have added or changed meanings of words such as Internet, browser, e-mail, mailbox, and blog.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Network Theory
From social media to massive financial institutions, we live within a web of networks. But how do they work? How does Googling a single word provide millions of results? Marc Samet investigates how these networks keep us connected and...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: What Is the World Wide Web?
The World Wide Web is used every day by millions of people for everything from checking the weather to sharing cat videos. But what is it exactly? Twila Camp describes this interconnected information system as a virtual city that...
Book Club Lesson Plan: The Watsons Go to Birmingham
Explore this comprehensive book club lesson plan for "The Watsons Go to Brimingham-- 1963," by Christopher Paul Curtis.
University of Idaho: Information Literacy: Understanding the Internet
One-page article that explains the use of the Internet, URLs, and domain names.
Dave Net: Bill Gates on Privacy
Dave Winer ponders the issues of privacy on the Internet, citing an email from Bill Gates and discussing digital encryption. Goes into depth about the debate on free speech and censorship of the internet.
Western Illinois University: Plagiarism and the Web
An essay on the challenge of plagiarism for teachers and the temptation for students, with helpful suggestions.
Cpsr: Netiquette Training Whose Responsibility?
CPSR offers an article on the need to train new Internet users about netiquette. Includes experiences with E-mail, need for netiquette, and additional resources.
Personal Site: One to One Communication
This personal site provides users with essential information on developing personal communication skills through mail and talk.
Small Business Advisor: 10 Great Website Promotion Tips
This site has tips on how to get people to your website and how to advertise your website.
Basic facts and travel information about Scotland. Information is available about business, community, travel, culture, news, sports, and shopping.
Nottingham Trent University: Kids on the Net
Visit this site for children's writing made by kids. Kids on the Net aims to help children develop a useful and informed approach to the Internet and how to use it for writing.