University of Washington
University of Washington: Osteoporosis
Detailed information about osteoporosis, including diagnosis, prevention and treatment. While the some of the medical language of the site can be difficult, the use of charts and diagrams make the information more accessible.
US National Library of Medicine
Medline Plus: Juvenile Arthritis
This page contains an overview of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, as well as links to the latest research news, organizations and resources.
Open Curriculum
Open Curriculum: The Skeletal System
After studying this article, students will be able to identify the functions and structure of bones, types of bones, bone development, parts of bones, types of joints, and bone disorders.
Osteoporisis: Some Recent Research to Help Prevent or Reverse Osteoporosis
This site contains information on foods and lifestyles that may help prevent or reverse osteoporosis.
Mmg:patient's Guide, Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
Information about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of an ACL injury. Very complete informative guide about this specific injury, including excellent graphics.
Curated OER
Kids Health: Scoliosis
This brief article explains what scoliosis is and how it affects those who have it. Here, you can read brief responses to the questions, "how is scoliosis diagnosed?" and "what do doctors do?"
US National Library of Medicine
Medline Plus: Knee Injuries and Disorders
A directory of sites related to information about the knee and its injuries.
American Juvenile Arthritis Organization
The site of the American Juvenile Arthiritis Organization that has detailed information about the conditions.
University of Illinois
University of Illinois Extension: Osteoporosis: Facts and Recipes
Comprehensive website provides facts and recipes for anyone suffering from osteoporosis. Learn about the causes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and a bone-healthy diet.
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic: Scoliosis
This site from the gives excellent information about scoliosis, including a picture, signs of scoliosis, screening information, diagnosis and treatment information, and how scoliosis progresses with treatment.
University of Washington
University of Washington: Osteoporosis and Bone Physiology
This site, from the University of Washington, is designed to educate physicians and patients about osteoporosis and bone physiology.
Faq:herniated Disc
This site provides links to questions, answers and information about a herniated disc.
The Arthritis Webpages: Osteoporosis
This article covers several different areas related to osteoporosis, including different disease types, risk factors, and prevention and treatment measures.
Osteoporosis Australia
This site contains information on the Osteoporosis Australia organization. It has useful links for definitions and prevention and treatment measures.
Endocrine Web: Osteoporosis Center
Click on different topics to learn everything you need to know about osteoporosis.
Health Talk: Rheumatoid Arthritis
This resource provides a directory of detailed information about rheumatoid arthritis.
Spine Anatomy: Abnormal Spine
Check out images and brief descriptions of various spine abnormatlities, including a ruptured disk, scoliosis, spondylolisthesis, snd arthritis.
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic: Rheumatoid Arthritis
Extensive information about rheumatoid arthritis including signs, symptoms, causes, complications, treatment, and much more.
National Institutes of Health
The Nih Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases: National Resource Center
The NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases ~ National Resource Center provide patients, health professionals, and the public with an important link to resources and information on metabolic bone diseases. The mission of NIH ORBD~NRC...
Health Communities: Rheumatoid Arthritis
Information on the symptoms and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Podiatry
Information on the symptoms and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Web Md: Fracture
This site from WebMD Health provides great information on fractures, giving the basics, symptoms, treatment and prevention. A picture/chart is provided along with good, factual information, making this a great site to check out on the...
Srs: Scoliosis Research Society
This organization provides information about scoliosis, research information, a medical glossary, a doctor listing, and a library which includes several x-rays and pictures of scoliosis patients.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Skeletal Health and Disorders
This lesson will help students to classify common disorders and injuries associated with the skeleton.