Unit Plan
Ministry of Education and Universities of the Region of Murcia (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion Y Ciencia: Ilusiones Opticas

For Students 9th - 10th
In Spanish. This unit will show you the existence of optical illusions. It will make you think about perception.
Lesson Plan

Pbs Mathline Lesson Plan: Mirror, Mirror [Pdf]

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
The goal of this PBS lesson is for students to apply spatial reasoning, problem solving, and critical thinking skills to assess which regular polygons will tessellate. A detailed lesson plan that includes related worksheets, lesson...
Lesson Plan

Pbs: Mathline: Tessellations Wow! [Pdf]

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
An integrated geometry lesson on spatial sense in which students identify and use different shapes to create a tessellation. "Through a variety of modalities such as writing, music, art, poetry, and literature, students are introduced to...
Lesson Plan

Pbs Mathline Lesson Plan: Sidewalk Capers [Pdf]

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
The objective of this lesson is for students to, "explore spatial relationships by determining the area of various shapes and creating tessellation patterns." Using a variety of hands-on activities, students apply concepts of geometry,...

Link to Learning: Geometry and Spatial Sense

For Students Pre-K - 1st
Link to Learning is a site popular among Ontario teachers. This collection of sites addresses Geometry and Spatial Sense expectations in the Ontario Math curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade 8.

Link to Learning: Geometry and Spatial Sense

For Students Pre-K - 1st
Link to Learning is a site popular among Ontario teachers. This collection of sites addresses Geometry and Spatial Sense expectations in the Ontario Math curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade 8.
Shodor Education Foundation

Shodor Interactivate: Triangle Explorer

For Students 9th - 10th
This applet gives you practice finding the area of a triangle. Great place for students to "discover" how you find the area of a triangle. Directions are just a click away. [Requires Java.]
Lesson Plan
Success Link

Success Link: Flying Into Spring

For Teachers 4th - 8th
Here are two lesson plans that apply geometric concepts to design objects. The first involves students as a group following step by step instructions on making a kite. After the review of geometry vocabulary, in cooperative groups the...

Teach Engineering: The Boxes Go Mobile

For Teachers 6th - 8th
To display the results from the previous activity, each student designs and constructs a mobile that contains a duplicate of his or her original box, the new cube-shaped box of the same volume, the scraps that are left over from the...
Annenberg Foundation

Annenberg Learner: Teacher's Lab: Shape and Space in Geometry

For Students 6th - 9th Standards
Online activities are given to explore space and shape in geometry.
University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge: Nrich: Cubes Within Cubes

For Students 3rd - 4th
On this one page website sharpen your logic, geometry, spatial thinking, and problem solving skills while working on this challenge. The solution is available to double check your solution.
University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge: Nrich: Triangles to Tetrahedra

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Given an unlimited number of a specific type of equilateral, isosceles, and right triangles create as many tetrahedra as are possible. Includes printout.
University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge: Nrich: Net Cuts

For Students 3rd - 5th Standards
In this enrichment game, the nets for nine solids are displayed. The twist is that each net has been cut into two pieces. The challenge is find the pieces that go together.

Ab Cya: Halloween Activty: Pumpkin Matching

For Students 2nd - 4th
A game challenging students to match pumpkins by combining, categorizing, and visual spatial skills. Move quickly and make sure to keep the pumpkins from touching the sides.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

The Math Forum: What Is a Tessellation?

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
The Math Forum defines and illustrates geometric tessellation.
Unit Plan
Cool Math

Coolmath: Coolmath4kids: Tessellations

For Students 4th - 8th Standards
Tessellations are explained and described at this website. Three basic rules are given for creating tessellations.

Epsilones: Ilusiones Opticas Y Figures Imposibles

For Students 9th - 10th
Observe many figures that look impossible to the eye and enjoy many of the optical illusions shown. [In Spanish]
Lesson Plan
Success Link

Success Link: Symmetry Activity

For Teachers 4th - 6th Standards
Use this lesson plan to assess students' understanding of symmetry and their ability to express that understanding both in writing and with paper.
Unit Plan
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Decompose Figures to Find Volume (Unit Cubes)

For Students 4th - 6th Standards
Find the volume of irregular 3D figures made up of unit cubes by dividing the figures into rectangular prisms and finding the volume of each part. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly,...

Ab Cya: Monsterland Challenge

For Students 4th - 6th
Monsterland Challenge - Your goal is to help Junior wake up his dad! Remove objects so Junior falls on top him!

Ab Cya: Monsterland 4

For Students 4th - 6th
Monsterland 4: One More Junior - Help Junior wake up his dad again! There are many new levels and tricks to be learned in this puzzler.

Ab Cya: Monsterland 3

For Students 4th - 6th
Monsterland 3: Junior Returns - Senior is really getting tired! Help Junior to wake up his dad in over 20 levels of physics fun!

Ab Cya: Monsterland 2

For Students 3rd - 5th
Junior is back in an all new physics-based puzzle! Help Junior wake up his dad by falling, sliding and crashing into him while he sleeps!

Ab Cya: 10 X 10 Ice Cream Adventure

For Students 3rd - 6th
10 x 10 is a fun puzzle game for the whole family! Help Mr. Pebbles score points by dragging the ice cream into the grid to fill up vertical and horizontal lines. There are lots of tasty ice cream treats to help you along the way!