Wikipedia: United States Fiscal Cliff
This in-depth article discusses what the term "fiscal cliff" means and the potential impact of this phenomenon on the Unites States.
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
Ascd: Public Policy: Stop Sequestration
Learn what sequestration is and how it impacts education. This resource includes an FAQ and explains how citizens can petition congress for change. Includes PDF resources.
C Span Classroom: Teaching About Fiscal Cliff
Learning module with lesson plan in which students learn about fiscal policy and various approaches to spending. Students view C-Span video and read related articles to deliberate about possible solutions to avert a crisis.
Newsbound: The Fiscal Whatchamacallit (Explained in 5 Minutes)
This online slideshow offers a brief, informative explanation of what the fiscal cliff is and why it's important to our economy. This resource also explains where the fiscal cliff came from and what will happen if we take no action in...