University of Texas at Austin

Tex's French Grammar: Irregular Re Verbs Like "Prendre"

For Students 9th - 10th
This site has a clear explanation of irregular "re" verbs, with usage examples and interactive practice exercises (written and audio).
University of Texas at Austin

Tex's French Grammar: Regular "Re" Verbs Present Tense

For Students 9th - 10th
Wonderful site with clear explanation of regular "re" verbs, with written and audio usage examples and interactive practice exercises.
University of Texas at Austin

Tex's French Grammar: Dire, Ecrire, Lire Present Tense

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from Tex's French Grammar is a wonderful site with clear explanation of irregular verbs "lire," "dire," and "ecrire," with usage examples and interactive practice exercises (written and audio).