North Carolina History Project: Greensboro Sit In
Learn about the sit-in at the Woolworth store in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement: History & Timeline, 1960: Sit Ins
A turbulant time during U.S. history, read about the lunch counter sit-ins of the 1960s.
American Rhetoric
American Rhetoric: Mario Savio: Sit in Address on the Steps of Sproul Hall
This is the text, audio, and video [1:26] of Mario Savio encourage students to protest by participating in a sit-in on the steps of Sproul Hall at The University of California at Berkeley on December 2, 1964.
Congress of Racial Equality: Facts About Core
This site contains in-depth information about the Congress of Racial Equality, or CORE, and its purpose and history.
Common Lit: "The Sit in Movement" by Us history.org
A learning module that begins with "The Sit-in Movement" by USHistory.org, accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. The text can be printed as a PDF or assigned online through free teacher...
Black Past
Black Past: Baker, Ella
This encyclopedia article tells about Ella Baker, one of the most influential women in the civil rights movement.
Pbs: Independent Lens: February One: The Story of the Greensboro Four
Follow the course of the sit-ins at the lunch counter at Woolworth's in Greensboro, South Caroina during the first week of February, 1960.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: Separate Is Not Equal: Sitting for Justice: Woolworth's Lunch Counter
Read a brief description of the sit-in at the Woolworth lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina. This sit-in, passive and non-violent resistance to segregation laws, lasted for six months.
Common Lit: Text Sets: The Civil Rights Movement
This is a collection of 34 Grade-Leveled texts (4-12)on the topic The Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement emerged after nearly a century of little progress for African Americans following the end of slavery. Explore the...
National Women’s History Museum
National Women's History Museum: The Sit in Movement
Being served at a lunch counter was normal for whites, but African Americans were not allowed to sit at lunch counters throughout the South. Learn details of the Greensboro Sit-In.
University of Washington
University of Washington: Congress of Racial Equality (Core) Actions 1942 1970
Overview of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)with maps and charts showing the geography of CORE activism.
Core: Sit Ins
A brief description of the role of the sit-in as a non-violent way to protest segregation in the South.
Pbs Teachers: February One (Lessons on the Greensboro Sit in of 1960)
Find two lesson plans developed for a PBS documentary about the Greensboro Four, whose sit-in at a whites-only Woolworth's lunch counter was a key event in the unfolding history of the civil rights movement. The lessons ask learners to...
Historical Marker Database: Mc Crory's Civil Rights Sit Ins Friendship Nine
Historical sign marks the building where the Friendship Nine refused to leave the McCrory's lunch counter. Short history is provided along with related websites. This group was the first to refuse bail and thus began the Jail No Bail...