Class Flow: That's Greek
[Free Registration/Login Required] Did you know that at least half of the words in the English language are derived from Greek and Latin roots? Students use these roots to grasp meaning of words before looking them up in the dictionary....
Class Flow: Ancient Civilizations
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is an assessment of ancient civilizations from Mesopotamia to Ancient Rome using true/false, Venn-diagrams, and cloze activities.
Discover Magazine
Discover Magazine brings you the world of science: the latest research news, enhanced versions of articles, and a full-text archive.
Live Science: First American Settlers Not Who We Thought
This article discusses findings that point to a pre-Clovis, New-World-humans model through artifacts dug up at various archaeological spots thoughout the Americas.
Harappa: A Walk Through Mohenjo Daro
Wonderful, large pictures of that mysterious ancient city, Mohenjo-daro.