Lesson Plan
California Academy of Science

Natural Resources Bingo

For Teachers 2nd - 8th
Bingo isn't just a silly game, it's a great way to practice all types of skills. After reviewing that the earth is composed of natural resources, what those natural resources are, and sustainability, the class plays a game of bingo. The...

Kids for Saving Earth

For Students 3rd - 6th
A comprehensive environmental education website full of ideas for saving the Earth, largely contributed by children. Lots of ideas for Earth Day or for an eco-kids club, and many resources are helpful for student research. A variety of...
US Environmental Protection Agency

Epa: Household Carbon Footprint Calculator

For Students 9th - 10th
Enter your household energy data to find out your family's total carbon footprint. Explore some actions to take to reduce your carbon emissions, and then find out your estimated savings once you take those steps.

Pbs Learning Media: Water Conservation: Denver, Co

For Students 9th - 10th
This video segment adapted from Last Oasis explores the use of new dams as a way to provide or store water. In the 1990s, the city of Denver was looking for a new source of water for its growing population, and its plan to build a new...

The Greens: A Site for Kids About Looking After the Planet

For Students 2nd - 8th
Especially designed website companion to the PBS ecology series The Greens helps kids explore ideas about making smart environmental choices. Find animated videos, activity suggestions, projects to do, and solid advice for putting your...
eSchool Today

E School Today: Solutions to the Ocean Acidification Problem

For Students 3rd - 8th
Understand the ocean acidification problem, and find out what you can do about it.
eSchool Today

E School Today: What Young People Can Do to Help With Waste Management

For Students 3rd - 8th
A quick guide for students for helping with waste management through reducing, reusing, and recycling.
eSchool Today

E School Today: Conservation of Natural Resources

For Students 3rd - 8th
Learn about steps to take in the aid of conserving our natural resources.
Professional Doc
eSchool Today

E School Today: What Is Your Role in Water Preservation?

For Students 3rd - 8th
Find out what you can do about global water scarcity and conservation.
eSchool Today

E School Today: What Can I Do About Global Warming/climate Change?

For Students 3rd - 8th
Learn about the simple actions you can take to help slow the effects of climate change.
eSchool Today

E School Today: Tips on How to Help Conserve Forest Resources

For Students 3rd - 8th
Students can find out what can to do to help preserve our forests.
Lesson Plan
The Wonder of Science

The Wonder of Science: 5 Ess3 1: Protecting Earth's Resources and Environment

For Teachers 5th
Work samples, phenomena, assessment templates, and videos that directly address standard 5-ESS3-1: protecting Earth's resources and environment.
Education Place

Houghton Mifflin: Eduplace: Why Save the Rain Forest?

For Students 2nd - 6th
Here you can find a general overview of the importance of the rain forest, and why it needs "saving." A student activity and teacher's lesson plan is also included.