California Academy of Science
Colorful Fish Adaptations
I love lessons that incorporate the arts, they're so engaging and address a more diverse set of learners. Your class will investigate the reasons fish from the coal reef have adapted such colorful fins. They design a fish that uses color...
Seasons in the Woods
Winter in the cold Northwoods of Wisconsin can be hard on animals that aren't adapted to the climate. Investigate the animals that are out and about even in the coldest winter temperatures as you and your class examine animal...
Marvellous Mini-beasts – Design a Species
Here is a creative activity that teaches kids how species evolve different characteristics for survival. The lesson plan begins as the class discusses and examines the adaptive traits of mini-beasts or insects. Then, in small groups,...
Polar Trec
Recess at 25 Below
Is there any difference between the ways a child from the polar region gets ready for recess, and the way a child from a tropical region gets ready for recess? Youngsters use a checklist to dress their Arctic Barbie and Polar Bob dolls...