Quizlet: Text Structure (7Th Grade) Test
Answer five multiple choice questions defining different text structures including description, problem/solution, compare and contrast, cause and effect, and sequence.
Quizlet: Text Structure (7Th Grade) Match
Match each text structure term to its definition in this race against the clock.
Quizlet: Text Structure (7Th Grade) Learn
Type the term matching the definitions of five different text structures including description, problem/solution, compare and contrast, cause and effect, and sequence.
Quizlet:text Structure (7Th Grade) Flashcards
Quiz yourself on text structure terms and definitions with five online flashcards.
Quizlet: Middle School (8Th Grade Ela) Text Structures Test
A test with twenty matching, multiple choice, and true/false questions over text structure terms and definitions.
Quizlet: Middle School (8Th Grade Ela) Text Structures Match
Race against the clock to match twenty-five text structure terms and definitions.
Quizlet: Middle School (8Th Grade Ela) Text Structures Flashcards
Twenty-five flashcards with text structure terms and definitions.