Texas State Energy Conservation Office
Fueling the Future
Future mechanical engineers and automotive technicians read about various solutions to using gasoline in cars. Included are electric, fuel-cell-powered, and hybrid vehicles.
McGraw Hill
Glencoe Technology Education: Hybrid Electric Vehicles (He Vs)
What is an HEV and how can they help the environment? Follow this WebQuest and you will be able to answer those questions and more.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
The National Academies: Emerging Technologies: Electric Vehicles
Electric vehicles are in use today but pose challenges to widespread distribution. One of the challenges is to develop a battery that can hold enough energy for longer trips. Various solutions are being tried but mass marketing of this...
Energy for Sustainable Development
Esd Bulgaria: Kids & Energy: Energy Smart Inventions
Describes the use of electricity and of solar energy to power a vehicle.