DOGO Media
Dogo News: How Researchers Trained Lizards to Avoid Toxic Toads
Learn about the toxic Australian cane frog. Includes video.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian National Zoo: Zoogoer Magazine: Toxic Toads and Tyrannical Treefrogs
Howard Youth's article in Zoogoer Magazine highlights facts and information related to various types of treefrogs and toads that are toxic. The types include the inch-long greenhouse frog, the cane toad, Cuban treefrogs, and more.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Marine Toad (Bufo Marinus)
Provides images and a summary of the Marine Toad while offering statistics and details on the species appearance, habitat, diet, and more.
Nova: Matching Aliens With Impacts
One of the major causes of species extinction is the introduction of alien species. Information about ten different invasive species is presented. Find out how well you know the information by matching alien species with the effects...
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Cane Toads Cannibalise Their Young
From ABC News in Science, Anna Salleh's article deals with the cannibalistic behavior of Cane toads toward their children. The adult toads wiggle their toes and the children, thinking they are chasing an insect, approach the adult toad...
Encyclopedia of Life
Encyclopedia of Life: Cane Toad
The Encyclopedia of Life presents this in-depth overview of Cane Toads (Rhinella marina), including their habitats, size, conservation status, and much more. Images of this species and maps of its global distribution can also be found here.