Writing Fix
Writing Fix: An I Pod Inspired Writing Lesson: Summertime Inspired Memoirs
By listening and then responding to multiple versions of the song "Summertime," students will understand how songs can convey various moods. Writing about a personal summertime memory, students will try to mimic a mood from one of the...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Suggestions for Writing Memoirs: Memoirs With Strong Word Choices
Editor Amy Ehrlich compelled ten well-known children's authors to write narratives, and she compiled these memoirs in her book, When I Was Your Age. The collection of narratives varies, but an underlying theme is the way in which...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Suggestions for Writing a Memoir: Memoirs About Moving Away
The book Leaving Home with a Pickle Jar by Barbara Dugan relives the story of moving from one state to another through the life of Ernest P. and his sister, Ella Jean. They take with them their most prized possessions; Ernest's being his...
Read Write Think: "The Giver" and Descriptive Writing
Online lesson plan uses the novel "The Giver," to teach students the importance of writing descriptive memoirs. Students write these descriptions individually after seeing their significance through the reading.
Autobiography: A Type of Memoir
This resource has information about autobiography, a type of memoir, plus examples of types of autobiographies and the criteria for each one.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Suggestions for Writing Memoirs: Memoirs Inspired by Whimpy Diary
After reading journal entries from The Diary of a Whimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney, students brainstorm and share their own ideas with a partner. Once they have a few ideas, they choose one idea to transform into a narrative writing. The...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Suggestions for Memoirs: Learning Social Vocabulary in a Menoir
After discussing the picture book Cookies: Bite-Size Life Lessons written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal, students brainstorm the meaning of teacher-selected words. Once the students have a clear understanding of the words, they create a...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Suggestions for Memoirs: Christmas Memories With a Relative
After reading A Christmas Memory, by Truman Capote, teachers are provided with a list writing activities to choose from to use with their students such as brainstorm and write about a Christmas memory with an elderly relative.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Suggestions for Memoirs: A Letter & Memoir About a Teacher
After reading the book, Thank You, Mr. Falker by Patricia Palacco, which is about a teacher helping a student overcome a long struggle to learn to read, learners write a personal thank you letter to a teacher who helped them. Then they...