US Government Publishing Office
Ben's Guide to u.s. Government: Legislative Branch
Find out about the duties of the legislative branch of government. Check out Ben's Guide!
The Dirksen Congressional Center
Congress Link: Lesson Plans
The Dirksen Congressional Center provides abundant lesson plans on all aspects of the US Congress and the US Constitution. All lessons contain time frames, objectives, and links to material, and are built around Bloom's taxonomy.
C3 Teachers
C3 Teachers: Inquiries: Great Compromise
A learning module on the Great Compromise and the role it played in developing the US Constitution in 1787. It includes several supporting questions accompanied by formative tasks and source materials, followed by a summative performance...
University of Groningen
American History: Outlines: Debate and Compromise
The 18th-century statesmen who met in Philadelphia were adherents of Montesquieu's concept of the balance of power in politics. This principle was supported by colonial experience and strengthened by the writings of John Locke, with...
Quia: Building of the Constitution
Quiz yourself on how well you know the events leading up to writing the United States Constitution.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Classroom: The Great Compromise
A brief synopsis with graphic explaining The Great Compromise.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: The Compromise of 1850
This Khan Academy resource provides a table of contents with notes for The Compromise of 1850.
Siteseen: Government and Constitution: The Great Compromise
Covers details of the Great Compromise which was presented at the Constitutional Convention. It consisted of the idea of proportional representation in the lower house (House of Representatives) and equal representation of the states in...