Carnegie Mellon University
Natural Gas and Pennsylvania’s Future
Beginning with a general discussion about natural gas, methane, and hydrocarbons, a few videos and diagrams are projected to support the lecture. Individuals participate in a brief activity by drinking juice through a straw, and then...
National Geographic
National Geographic: Extracting Gas From Shale
This lesson examines how geologists locate deposits of natural gas in deep shale formations, and the process of hydraulic fracturing that is used to extract it. Includes handouts, a vocabulary list with definitions, and an interactive on...
National Geographic
National Geographic: Evaluating Natural Gas
In this lesson, students examines the benefits and the environmental risks of extracting natural gas from shale. Includes handouts, a vocabulary list with definitions, and an interactive on how gas is extracted from shale.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Natural Gas: A Cleaner Energy Solution?
For this activity, students read informational text on natural gas and compare it to other fossil fuels for its greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact. They then prepare a pro or con position on whether natural gas is good...
Energy4me: Seismic Activity
Find out about the process of seismic imaging which is used in conjunction with hydraulic fracturing.
Energy4me: Water Usage
Learn about the water use during the process of hydraulic fracturing.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: How Does Fracking Work?
How does fracking work and why is it a source of such heated controversy? Mia Nacamulli explains the ins and outs of fracking.
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
Iris: Can Humans Cause Earthquakes?
A class investigation studying whether or not human factors can cause earthquakes through hydraulic fracturing.
Dangers of Fracking: What Goes in and Out of Hydraulic Fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking", is the process of drilling and injecting fluid into the ground at a high pressure in order to fracture shale rocks to release natural gas inside.
Energy4me: Fracturing Fluid
Learn how fracturing fluid is an essential component of the shale gas extraction process.
Energy4me: Meet the Society of Petroleum Engineers Experts
Hear from the Society of Petroleum Engineers' team of Energy Experts, composed of engineers and industry specialists.