Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: University and College Tuition Webquest
This is a technology-based and interdisciplinary project incorporating mathematics, language, and technology standards. Each student will research on the university's website: location, the mission statement, historical and interesting...
EL Education
El Education: The Crusades
Students research the math and physics behind various weapons used during the crusades to write an illustrate articles to add to a class book.
EL Education
El Education: Jason and the Matha Lisa
Students work together in groups to write and illustrate a fiction story explaining a math concept.
Hubbard's Cupboard: The Enormous "Kinder" Garden
In this unit from Hubbard's Cupboard, an elementary class will read several books together, each having a strong connection to the next. There are ideas for cross-curricular lessons, so this could be a site that shapes the next several...