Pb skids.org: Arthur
An entire learning module of Arthur! Anything Arthur you've ever needed or wanted you can find here. Topics include an Arthur newsletter, e-cards, an Elwood City map, sign design, letters to Arthur, about face, song book, coloring pages,...
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
Educore: Exceeding the Common Core Speaking Standards
Erik Palmer explains that the Common Core State Standards place importance on speaking effectively in a variety of scenarios, both formal and informal. He notes that students need to have broadly applicable oral communication skills....
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: Introduction to Ela / Literacy Shifts
This 1-2 hour module provides participants with an introduction to the key shifts required by the Common Core State Standards for ELA / Literacy.
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: Introduction to Literacy Shifts in Content Areas
This 1-2 hour module provides an introduction to the key shifts required by the CCSS for Literacy in the content areas: history / social studies, science, and technical subjects.
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: The Common Core Shifts at a Glance
A document explaining the biggest changes in mathematics and ELA / Literacy and a quick reference card on the shifts.
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: Using the Ela / Literacy Publishers' Criteria
Through close examination of the Publishers' Criteria in ELA / Literacy for Grades 3-12, this 1-2 hour module intends to give teachers and administrators a deeper understanding of the Standards and their implication for instructional...
Starfall: Gingerbread Boy or Girl
A read aloud of the children's book Gingerbread Boy or Girl.
Starfall: Cup Bow Snake Reflection
A read-aloud of the Chinese fable Cup Bow Snake Reflection.
Starfall: Dung Shi Copies Eyebrows
A read-aloud of the Chinese fable Dung Shi Copies Eyebrows.
Starfall: The Four Friends: A Tale From the Far East
A read-aloud of The Four Friends, a Tale from the Far East.
Starfall: Greek Myths: The Wooden Horse
The story of the how men hid inside a wooden horse in order to get into the city of Troy. Look at the illustrations and read the text, or click on a button to hear the story read aloud.
Starfall: Morning Three Night Four
A read-aloud of the Chinese fable Morning Three Night Four.