Rover Races
Operating a vehicle remotely can be difficult, especially when the vehicle is on another planet. Young engineers get a feel for some of the real-world challenges as they work to program their rovers (blindfolded group members)...
Teach Engineering: Mars Rover App Creation
Based on their experience exploring the Mars rover Curiosity and learning about what engineers must go through to develop a vehicle like Curiosity, students create Android apps that can control LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robots, simulating the...
Teach Engineering: Curiosity Killed the App
Learners gain experience with the software/system design process, closely related to the engineering design process, to solve a problem. First, they learn about the Mars Curiosity rover and its mission, including the difficulties that...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Space Sciences: Introduction to the Mars Science Laboratory
Created to teach students of the 21st century, SOPHIA is bringing Mars straight to your fingertips. Discover what scientific discoveries are occurring in the rest of the universe with this interactive tutorial.
Bbc Newsround: Curiosity Mars Rover to Try and 'Jump' Sand Dune
Article describes how the Curiosity rover on Mars will soon attempt to drive over a sand dune, which may be risky for the vehicle.
Society for Science and the Public
Science News for Students: Curiosity's Watery Find
Read about Curiosity rover's watery find on Mars. This article describes the formation of water that once flowed across Mars billions of years ago.