Library of Congress
Loc: The Modern Dances and How to Dance Them: The Castle Walk
This resource describes the history of a dance callled the Castle Walk, which was popular in the early 1900's. Includes information on the orgins of the dance, as well as text and images from a dance manual of the period.
Library of Congress
Loc: An Overview of Western Social Dance
This resource presents a comprehensive and in-depth collection on the history of Western social dance from the late Middle Ages onward. Readers will find images of historical dance instruction manuals, historical information on the...
Library of Congress
Loc: Transition From Renaissance Dance to Baroque Dance
Overview of dance in the Renaissance and Baroque periods. It includes the changes dance forms underwent, description of English Country Dance.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: The Origins of Ballet
Can you imagine a party where every movement and every visual detail were governed by a complex system of rules and procedures? For centuries, such rituals were commonplace for European nobility. And while they've gone out of fashion, we...
Jazz Dance History: Jack Cole
The influence and importance of Jack Cole in the development of jazz dance in the theater, includes shows he choreographed.
Elements of English Country Dance
Contains list of English Country Dances steps with instructions on how to dance.
Yale University
Living Pictures Representing the History of Black Dance
A brief history of black dance in America, includes dance pioneers in jazz dance, ballet, and modern dance.
Reeder's Egypt: Mysterious Muu and the Dance They Do
History and speculation about Ancient Egyptian muu dancers, types of muu dancers and their roles in ancient society.
Hot Chalk: Lesson Plans Page: History of Dance
This lesson plan has learners researching and presenting a cultural dance.