Theatre History: The Medieval Drama
This informative article contains a wealth of information on the development of drama, and its Greek and Latin origins.
South Carolina Educational Television
Kids Work! History of Theater
A brief history of theater practice told in five snapshots and commentary: theater in ancient times, the medieval theater, the Renaissance theater, Kabuki, and modern-day community theater.
Theatre History on the Web
This site provides an extensive list of links to historical information, current practices, and to all aspects of drama and theatre. It truly is a treasure trove for theatre historians and students of the theatre's history.
Bartleby Early English Comedy
Substantive essay on John Heywood's three most famous medieval interludes. Gives summary information, historical background, and literary analysis.
Bartleby Early English Comedy
Short discussion of John Heywood and his role in the development of English comedy. Includes some info on Heywood's plays.
Bartleby Nature of the Four Elements
Short synopsis and critical commentary on "The Interlude of the Nature of the Four Elements," a Medieval play with elements of a comedy and a morality. Also briefly discusses Thomas Lupton's "All for Money."