Illinois State Museum: The American Railway Union
Excerpt from U.S. Strike Commission Report. Site also provides focus questions at the bottom.
British Library
British Library: Dickens's Hard Times: Industrialisation
For this activity, students will examine the working lives of those who produced goods in factories, towns, and cities and investigate the social and economic backdrop to Charles Dickens's novel "Hard Times".
Ohio State University
Osu History Teaching Institute: The Industrial Revolution
Explores the development of the textile industry in Great Britain, focusing on the invention of various machines. Also,discusses the social effects of the Industrial Revolution and the connections between the Industrial Revolution and...
Curated OER
History Matters: Parsons Responds to Powderly
Read an excerpt from a letter written by Chicago radical and Haymarket defendant, Albert Parsons, to the "Chicago Times" concerning Terence V. Powderly and the Haymarket riot. Also links to other related sites.
Digital History
Digital History: National Recovery Administration
Resource provides an overview of the codes set by the National Recovery Administration that helped industry and labor in the 1930s and their positive and negative affects.
Digital History
Digital History: Labor Protests
A sure sign that manufacturing was moving from the home to the factory was the organization of skilled workers to protest wage reductions and working conditions. Read about the tension between these skilled workers and their employers as...
University of Houston
University of Houston: Engines of Our Ingenuity: American Industrial Revolution
Aimed at middle school teachers and students, this resource contains lists of labor links. It includes a brief history of strikes, the Knights of Labor and the AFL.
Vassar College
Vassar College: 1896: The Homestead and Pullman Strikes
1896, A Website of Political Cartoons and Commentary provides the illustrated story of both the Homestead and Pullman strikes with quotes from newspapers of the time and a brief characterization of Andrew Carnegie. The site includes a...
New York University
San Reiss: An Eyewitness to Labor History 1948 1975
Considered the "Labor photographer," this online exhibit of Sam Reiss' work is a pictorial history of American labor from 1948-1975.
University of Maryland
University of Maryland: The Samuel Gompers Papers
Site from the University of Maryland provides primary source documents, a brief history of the labor movement, and biographical information about Samuel Gompers. A great resource for teachers and students.
US National Archives
Our Documents: National Labor Relations Act (1935)
Explore the original document that established the National Labor Relations Board written in 1935. Also known as the Wagner Act, its intention was to give employees the right to form unions and to engage in collective bargaining.
Library of Congress
Loc: America at the Turn of the Century
A short report on America by 1900: "..the American nation had established itself as a world power. The West was Won. The frontier -- the great fact of 300 years of American history -- was no more."
Afl Cio: Eugene Victor Debs (1855 1926)
Debs began his association with labor issues at an early age starting with the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. He went on to be active in the American Railway Union, the Socialist Party of America, and the Industrial Workers of the...
Towson University
Towson University: Eaach: Colored Farmers Alliance
An encyclopedia entry for the Colored Farmers' Alliance, founded in Texas in 1886. Discusses the history of this alliance in depth.
Ministry of Education and Employment of Spain
Si Spain: General Union of Workers
Provides a short description of the Union General de Trabajadores in English.
Si Spain: Union Confederation of Workers Commissions
This resource provides a short description of the Comisiones Obreras in English.
Ussc the Pullman Strike: Its Causes and Events
An excerpt from U.S. Strike Commission Report on the Pullman Strike. Site presents questions at the end for study.
Chicago History Museum
Encyclopedia of Chicago: Haymarket and May Day
Read this historical account of the events that led to the infamous labor dispute known as the Haymarket Square Riots on May 4th of 1886.