The Rare Fossils We Find By The Thousands
Eurypterids are rare in the fossil record overall. But when we find these 400-million-year-old "sea scorpions," we find LOTS of them.
The OTHER Genome Project That’s Transforming Medicine
You've heard of the Human Genome Project, and how having all that info about our genes could help us treat /tons/ of diseases. But a newer project wants to zoom out a little and use different genetic information to help us solve our...
The Implant That Literally Freezes Away Pain
It's no secret that cold can help treat a source of pain, like a sprained ankle or even a burn. But new technology might be able to take that principle and apply it /directly/ onto your nerves!
What Took Down These Three Ancient Civilizations?
When it comes to piecing together what happened to civilizations that no longer exist, it can be challenging to solve the mystery. But research into Angkor, the Akkadian Empire, and even the Norse of Greenland, is helping us see that...
Why Do We Cry On Planes?
Have you ever found yourself getting teary-eyed on a plane, and not because of the lack of legroom? Turns out there's a few good reasons that science says that's totally normal. Don't forget to throw some tissues in your carry-on.
TED Talks
TED: The powerful possibilities of recycling the world's batteries | Emma Nehrenheim
The world has plenty of clean energy. The problem is storing that energy and getting it where we need it, when we need it, says battery recycling pioneer Emma Nehrenheim. While batteries are fundamental to powering a sustainable future,...
TED-Ed: Surviving the coldest place on Earth | Nadia Frontier
The vast, white surface of Antarctica stretches for over 3 million square kilometers. On the coast of this expanse, just a few meters beneath the ice, lies a remarkably diverse realm that is home to over 8,000 species of sea denizens who...
TED-Ed: How advanced is whale talk? | David Gruber and Shane Gero
Soon after whaling ships began operating in the North Pacific, an interesting trend emerged. Within just a few years, whalers saw a 58% drop in their successful strikes. Sperm whales had suddenly become harder to kill— they had begun...
TED Talks
TED: Regenerative living can restore a broken world | Paul Hawken
A frog and a mockingbird changed Paul Hawken's life, kindling a devotion to protect and restore nature. Now, as one of the world's preeminent environmentalists, he advocates for regeneration — a calling and action plan for the world to...
TED Talks
TED: A playbook on financing climate solutions | Nili Gilbert and David Blood
Tackling climate change costs a lot of money — and the financial sector is key to getting that money flowing. In a wide-ranging conversation, sustainable investment leaders Nili Gilbert and David Blood discuss where progress is being...
TED-Ed: Something weird is happening in our galaxy | Ashkbiz Danehkar
In 2010, NASA announced the discovery of a never-before-seen galactic object: two gigantic gaseous bubbles, each emanating an impressive 25,000 light years from the center of the Milky Way. Astronomers were perplexed: what created these...
TED Talks
TED: The future of repairing the human body | Nina Tandon
As humans live longer than ever before, we need our implants to last as long as we do, says bioengineer Nina Tandon. Using stem cells and digital fabrication, she's working on growing anatomically precise spare parts for the human body,...
TED Talks
TED: Why science needs to get behind natural medicine | Jeff Chen
Pharmaceutical companies often only patent drugs they can monetize, creating synthetic versions of remedies already available in nature. In this quick talk, physician and entrepreneur Jeff Chen offers a path to affordable, effective...
TED Talks
TED: How to stop the next pandemic? Stop deforestation | Neil Vora
Clearing tropical forests isn't just dangerous to the natural world — it's also a threat to human health and wellbeing, says physician Neil Vora. Tracing how environmental devastation led to deadly epidemics like Ebola, he presents three...
TED-Ed: Should you be suing your government? | Shannon Odell
Since 2015, an unprecedented movement has been sweeping courts around the world. Groups of young plaintiffs are suing their governments for their inaction on tackling climate change. These suits argue that climate inaction violates their...
TED Talks
TED: Can we hack photosynthesis to feed the world? | Steve Long
Photosynthesis is one of the most important processes on the planet, helping produce the food we eat and the air we breathe. Crop scientist Steve Long thinks it could be more efficient — and he's intent on giving it a boost. He shows how...
TED Talks
TED: A cleaner world could start in a rice field | Jim Whitaker and Jessica Whitaker Allen
Rice is the world's largest food source — and it's also a massive emitter of methane gas, a key contributor to climate change. Fifth-generation rice farmer Jim Whitaker and his daughter, farmer and conservationist Jessica Whitaker Allen,...
TED-Ed: The largest river on Earth is actually in the sky | Iseult Gillespie
The largest rainforest in the world, the Amazon, exists between two rivers — but not in the way you might think. At ground level, the Amazon River and its tributaries weave their path. But above the canopy, bigger waterways are on the...
TED-Ed: The diseases that changed humanity forever | Dan Kwartler
Since humanity’s earliest days, we’ve been plagued by countless disease-causing pathogens. Invisible and persistent, these microorganisms and the illnesses they incur have killed more humans than anything else in history. But which...
TED-Ed: What really killed the dinosaurs? (It wasn’t just the asteroid) | Sean P. S. Gulick
Sixty-six million years ago, near what’s now the Yucatán Peninsula, a juvenile sauropod feasted on horsetail plants on a riverbank. Earth was a tropical planet. Behemoth and tiny dinosaurs alike soared its skies and roamed its lands...
TED Talks
TED: How stem cells orchestrate healing — and how to speed it up | Kevin Stone
From synthetic embryos to lab-grown skin, we live in a brave new world of stem cell advances. So why can it still take years to recover from injury? Orthopedic surgeon Kevin Stone is working to accelerate the body's healing response so...
TED Talks
TED: We actually have a shot at stopping the climate crisis | Asmeret Asefaw Berhe
How is the US going to reach net zero by 2050? That's the question Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, director of the Office of Science for the US Department of Energy, is urgently trying to answer. She shares the thinking behind what her team is...
SciShow Kids
Meet the Mars Rovers! | Let's Explore Mars! | SciShow Kids
Squeaks and Jessi explore how scientists can learn things about Mars by sending rovers to land on it. They can drive around, do science, and help us learn about the Red Planet!
SciShow Kids
How Will We Get To Mars? | Let's Explore Mars! | SciShow Kids
Mars has a ton of amazing features waiting to be explored, but we have to get there first. Thanks to our partners at the Boston Museum Of Science for helping us think about everything we need to plan a trip!
Squeaks and Jessi would love...