Instructional Video4:36
SciShow Kids

How Will Humans Live on Mars? | Let's Explore Mars! | SciShow Kids

K - 5th
Squeaks and Jessi would love to visit Mars one day, but our neighboring planet is very different from Earth. Together, they make a travel plan and packing list that will help them overcome the challenges of life on Mars! Thanks to our...
Instructional Video7:01
SciShow Kids

How Do Lakes Form? | Goodbye, Mister Brown! | SciShow Kids

K - 5th
Mister Brown is moving away to Wisconsin, so Jessi, Squeaks and all of his Fort friends are here to say goodbye. But before he goes, Mister Brown want to teach everyone about the place he's moving to and all the amazing glacial lakes...
Instructional Video21:18
SciShow Kids

Journey to Mars! | SciShow Kids Compilation

K - 5th
Put on your spacesuits, because we’re off to explore Mars! We’ll learn all about how we could live there, and meet the robots that already do! ----------
Instructional Video18:50
SciShow Kids

The Amazing Power of Magnets | SciShow Kids Compilation

K - 5th
In this SciShow Kids compilation, Jessi and her friends at The Fort play with magnets and learn about how both animals and people use them to find their way around
Instructional Video5:25
SciShow Kids

The Ancient Animal With a Boomerang Head! | SciShow Kids

K - 5th
Squeaks and Jessi discover an animal with a head that reminds them of a boomerang. Its name is Diplocaulus, and they'll learn all about how that funny head helped it live a very long time ago! First Grade Next Generation Science...
Instructional Video6:28
SciShow Kids

Why Are These Frogs So Colorful? | SciShow Kids

K - 5th
Join Squeaks as he learns about some of the most colorful animals ever: poison dart frogs! Some animals are bright and colorful to warn other animals that they might be dangerous... and some are just copycats. First Grade Next Generation...
Instructional Video19:22
SciShow Kids

Discover Down Under: Australia and Its Unique Wildlife | SciShow Kids Compilation

K - 5th
Join us as we take a look at Australia from space and on the ground to learn about the land itself and the animals that live there! ----------
Instructional Video17:43
SciShow Kids

Can You Guess These Fall Animals with Jessi and Sam? | SciShow Kids Compilation

K - 5th
Jessi and Sam face off to see who can figure out the clues and guess the right animal! ----------
Instructional Video18:21
SciShow Kids

Halloween Fun! | SciShow Kids Compilation

K - 5th
Experiment: Make Your Own Caramel ApplesIn this SciShow Kids compilation, Jessi and her friends at The Fort learn about the science of candy corn, pumpkins, and other Halloween favorites.
Instructional Video4:39
SciShow Kids

How to Design a Mars Rover! | Let's Explore Mars! | SciShow Kids

K - 5th
Today, the crew at The Fort learn about engineers and how they design different ways to solve problems like they did for the rovers exploring Mars!
Instructional Video6:25
SciShow Kids

What On Earth is a Platypus? | SciShow Kids

K - 5th
Platypuses are so funny, it looks like someone made them up as a joke. But they're real animals! Join Jessi and Squeaks to learn about how amazing platypuses really are! Teachers and parents: scroll down to check out the Next Generation...
Instructional Video6:54
SciShow Kids

Meet Australia | SciShow Kids

K - 5th
Squeaks has been learning about the platypus and now he wants to learn more about where they come from. Join us as Jessi and Squeaks explore the world down under, Australia! First Grade Next Generation Science Standards Disciplinary...
Instructional Video6:17
SciShow Kids

Meet the Marsupials! | SciShow Kids

K - 5th
Squeaks and Jessi have been having fun learning all about Australia. Squeaks wants to know more about marsupials, the special group of animals that lives almost nowhere else. So Jessi introduces him to a special friend: Pinto the...
Instructional Video4:53
SciShow Kids

Why Do Pumpkins Get So Big? | SciShow Kids

K - 5th
It's almost Jack O' Lantern time! Which has Squeaks wondering why pumpkins get so big and other vegetables don't. First Grade Next Generation Science Standards Disciplinary Core Idea: LS1.A: Structure and Function - All organisms...
Instructional Video7:09
SciShow Kids

A Halloween Candy That Comes From Bones and Bugs! | SciShow Kids

K - 5th
Today, Jessi and Squeaks learn about some common (and maybe even spooky) ingredients used to make candy, including what might be the most famous Halloween candy of them: Candy Corn! Second Grade Next Generation Science...
Instructional Video6:40
SciShow Kids

Experiment: Make Your Own Caramel Apples | SciShow Kids

K - 5th
Today, Jessi and Squeaks learn about the Maillard reaction while they make some delicious caramel. Second Grade Next Generation Science Standards Disciplinary Core Idea: PS1.B: Chemical Reactions - Heating or cooling a substance may...
Instructional Video5:55
SciShow Kids

A Lot About Axolotls! | SciShow Kids

K - 5th
Axolotls are amazing pets! Join Jessi and Squeaks as they learn about why axolotls have feathery gills and live in water, and how to protect their natural habitat. First Grade Next Generation Science Standards Disciplinary Core...
Instructional Video7:38

How Long Can You Live Underwater?

12th - Higher Ed
In 2023, Joseph Dituri set a world record for the longest continuous stay underwater. And that 100 day stay had effects on both his body and mind. Scientists have been studying the effects of living underwater since the 1960s, but how...
Instructional Video6:44

Have an Autoimmune Disease? Blame the Black Death

12th - Higher Ed
The bubonic plague killed so many people in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa that that natural selection event is still rippling through our genomes today. But the same genes that helped your ancestors survive the Black Death...
Instructional Video5:47

The Science Behind Sleep & Love Potions

12th - Higher Ed
Sure, potions of invisibility and immortality may be a little hard to come by in the real world, but there's some legit science behind less fantastic ones. Historical sleep and love potions are grounded in science, even if some of the...
Instructional Video6:52

The Ice Bucket Challenge Actually Worked

12th - Higher Ed
The Ice Bucket Challenge raised millions of dollars for research into treatments for ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease. Where did that money go? Into characterizing new genes that we may be able to target with chemotherapy drugs like...
Instructional Video6:36

The Electric Light Bulb Was Invented Centuries Before Edison

12th - Higher Ed
Thomas Edison often gets credit for the invention of the light bulb, but a good argument can be made that they were around centuries earlier in the form of barometric light.
Instructional Video3:04

This Probe Doesn’t Melt When it’s 1 Million Degrees Outside

12th - Higher Ed
In 2021, the Parker Solar Probe fulfilled its mission to “touch the Sun”. But the temperature over there was millions of degrees Celsius. How did the spacecraft not melt?
Instructional Video10:00

Becoming a Predator Was Hard

12th - Higher Ed
Animals eating other animals seems like a tale as old as time, but it's only almost that old. Predation had to evolve in the Ediacaran period -- so let's look at early almost-predators like Auroralumina, Kimberella, Ikaria, and whatever...