Instructional Video5:25

This Year in Space News (That Isn't JWST)

12th - Higher Ed
If you’ve been distracted looking at the amazing photos The James Webb Space Telescope has taken, not to worry. Here are three other stellar stories from the last year of space science!
Instructional Video6:41

Space Superlatives of 2022

12th - Higher Ed
As we wrap up 2022, we'd like to celebrate a few of the cosmic “winners” discovered this year, at least while they still hold their titles.
Instructional Video5:50

What's Going to Space in 2023?

12th - Higher Ed
2022 was a pretty exciting year for space science, but what news might we expect in the coming year?
Instructional Video6:04

Eavesdropping On Other Worlds

12th - Higher Ed
We usually only get to use our sense of sight in exploring the universe, but that hasn’t prevented scientists from trying to listen in.
Instructional Video6:28
Curated Video

Is Our Solar System Missing Moons?

12th - Higher Ed
You might be pretty confident that when a moon is there it’s there to stay, but that’s not always the case. Moons may have a history of disappearing.
Instructional Video7:09

JWST: Looking Beyond The Pretty Pictures

12th - Higher Ed
The James Webb Space Telescope isn't just for finding Pinterest worthy pictures, we're finding some amazing details in the sometimes blurry background photos.
Instructional Video6:43

This Toxic Liquid Telescope from the 1850s Is Finally Useful

12th - Higher Ed
Sometimes looking into a pool of a toxic liquid holds the secrets of the universe–or maybe just this one time.
Instructional Video6:49

The Biggest Star In The Universe Is Too Small

12th - Higher Ed
R136a1 is the most massive star that astronomers have ever discovered. It's so massive you might think the laws of physics wouldn't allow it. But it turns out that its current mass estimate is actually so low that it threatens our...
Instructional Video6:21
Curated Video

We Don’t Know Why Astronauts Get Motion Sick

12th - Higher Ed
A majority of modern astronauts experience any one of a suite of symptoms scientists collectively call Space Motion Sickness, or SMS. But despite knowing about it for nearly as long as humans have gone into space, we still don't know...
Instructional Video5:35

Fighting Carbon With Carbon

12th - Higher Ed
To reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, some researchers are taking carbon capture technology to the source(s) — for example, slurping up CO2 before it ever leaves the power plant that made it. But that's not all! Some...
Instructional Video10:51

This is How We’ll “See” the Universe’s First Second

12th - Higher Ed
In June 2023, scientists around the world announced the first official detection of the gravitational wave background — a cacophonous symphony of gravitational waves coming from every direction in space. Buried within that cosmic noise,...
Instructional Video6:56

Female Cockroaches Hate Romance (And It’s Our Fault)

12th - Higher Ed
Most people don't love cockroaches. And thanks to that lack of love, the females of one species of cockroach might not love their males looking for love. But lucky for both of them, evolution might be finding a way around it.
Instructional Video3:51

No One Knows Where These Gems Came From

12th - Higher Ed
Montana sapphires come in a beautiful array of colors found in a few other places in the world. But geologists have no idea where they originated.
Instructional Video5:19

The Sexually Transmitted ... Sandwich?

12th - Higher Ed
When you're enjoying an intimate moment with that special someone, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich you ate for lunch is probably the last thing on your mind. But sexually transmitted allergens are a thing, and nut allergies aren't...
Instructional Video5:46

Why Your Dog Has An Anti-Tick Pill And You Don’t?

12th - Higher Ed
If you've ever given your pet an anti-flea and tick medicine, you may have wondered why there's not a similar drug out there for you. Here's a little dive into the history of these drugs, and why there may someday be a human-grade...
Instructional Video5:32

The Rocket that Hopped

12th - Higher Ed
Surveyor 6 may not have been the first craft to make a soft landing on the Moon, but it is the first craft to take off from the surface of another world. And it did so in a very adorable way. Long before any Apollo astronaut, Surveyor 6...
Instructional Video6:43

Hacking the Brain to Treat Tinnitus

12th - Higher Ed
Start speaking a new language in 3 weeks with Babbel. Get up to 60% off in your subscription here: https://go.babbel.com/t?bsc=1200m60-y... Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, often accompanies hearing loss, and usually has no treatment....
Instructional Video2:55

The Only Moons That Trade Places

12th - Higher Ed
Saturn's moons Janus and Epimetheus were once thought to be the same moon. It turns out they're dance partners.
Instructional Video8:51

Why Your Strawberry Milk May Look Different Soon

12th - Higher Ed
Popular food dyes Red 3 and titanium dioxide are in everything from toothpaste to your strawberry milk. But multiple U.S. states and the EU are trying to ban them. Are they safe?
Instructional Video7:18

Does Tylenol Actually Do Anything?

12th - Higher Ed
The pain reliever known as acetaminophen or paracetamol, marketed under brand names like Tylenol, Calpol or Panadol, has an excellent reputation. But the quality of evidence that it actually works is shockingly poor. So, do doctors and...
Instructional Video3:34

This Planet is Only Half Covered in Lava

12th - Higher Ed
There are a lot of weird exoplanets out there, like 55 Cancri e (aka Janssen), which is probably half covered in lava. But the half that's covered in lava might not be quite the half you're thinking of.
Instructional Video5:58

The Ocean’s Turning Green (That’s Bad)

12th - Higher Ed
Computer models of climate change have long predicted that the ocean would turn green as a result of warming. But the change can't be seen by the human eye, so scientists weren't sure how they'd measure this effect... until it turned out...
Instructional Video6:09

The Particle So Extreme Scientists Called it OMG

12th - Higher Ed
In 1991, a subatomic particle smashed into Earth's atmosphere traveling faster than anything humans can replicate. It's the most energetic particle detected to date, and maybe even the fastest (except light itself). Astronomers call it...
Instructional Video3:45

Why Hairworms Don’t Have Hair

12th - Higher Ed
Hairworms, sometimes called horsehair or Gordian worms, are mind-controlling parasites with a twist. A genetic study found these nematomorph worms are missing 30% of their genome, and we don't understand how they live without genes for...