Instructional Video12:57

What’s Wrong With the Big Bang Theory? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

12th - Higher Ed
Now that we have a primer on the aspects of the Big Bang Theory that we know definitely happened, let’s look further into what we don’t yet know, and how the theory could progress in the future. Since there is a discrepancy between...
Instructional Video13:10

Will the Universe Expand Forever?

12th - Higher Ed
Throughout history, there has been much speculation about what the fate of the universe would be. Many theorized that the universe would eventually succumb to the pull of gravity, and reverse its expansion in what was being called ‘The...
Instructional Video7:45

The Traits That Spawned the Age of Mammals

12th - Higher Ed
Lots of the traits we think of as defining us as mammals show up pretty early, during the time of the dinosaurs. And, in some cases, they show up a lot earlier and in things that weren’t mammals at all.
Instructional Video10:11

When It Was Too Hot for Leaves

12th - Higher Ed
Plants first made their way onto land at least 470 million years ago but for their first 80 million years, leaves as we know them today didn’t exist. What held them back?
Instructional Video12:11

The Dinosaur Who Was Buried at Sea

12th - Higher Ed
Paleontologists have been studying nodosaurs since the 1830s, but nobody had ever found a specimen like Borealopelta before. The key to its exceptional preservation was where it ended up after it died and how it got there.
Instructional Video8:14

The 40 Million-Year-Old Ecosystem In Your Mouth

12th - Higher Ed
The hardened residue scraped off your teeth at the dentist is called your dental calculus, and your dental calculus is the only part of your body that actually fossilizes while you’re alive! And scientists have figured out how to study &...
Instructional Video7:49

How Dinosaurs Coupled Up

12th - Higher Ed
Dinosaur mating behavior has been the subject of a lot of speculation, but what can we actually say about it from the fossil record?
Instructional Video10:01

Did These Giant Sloths Poop Themselves to Death?

12th - Higher Ed
At Tanque Loma, at least 22 giant ground sloths in the genus Eremotherium met their end. Of the five hypotheses that researchers proposed for what killed the sloths, the best supported one right now is that they died surrounded by their...
Instructional Video8:54

Darwin Missed An Example of Evolution Right Under His Nose

12th - Higher Ed
Charles Darwin encountered a tiny fox-like creature during his famous voyage but instead of discovering its fascinating evolutionary story, he just knocked it on the head with his geology hammer.
Instructional Video7:16

The Real Story Of The Dodo Bird's (Current) Extinction

12th - Higher Ed
What’s the real story of the dodo? How did such a unique bird even evolve in the first place? And are we really responsible for its extinction?
Instructional Video8:10

The Neandertal Burial That Taught Us About Humanity

12th - Higher Ed
If we can see ourselves in the way our ancient cousins dealt with death…what else could we have in common?
Instructional Video10:18

Where Did Water Come From?

12th - Higher Ed
Mercury, Venus, and Mars are all super low on water – so where did ours come from and why do we have so much of it? We think our water came from a few unlikely sources: meteorites, space dust, and even the sun.
Instructional Video9:26

These Fossils Were Supposed To Be Impossible

12th - Higher Ed
Hidden in rocks once thought too old to contain complex life we may have found the animal kingdom’s oldest known predator.
Instructional Video9:59

These Creatures Were Darwin's Greatest Enemy

12th - Higher Ed
They may not look like much, but beneath that shell lies an evolutionary mystery - one that stumped the biggest names in natural history for over a hundred years.
Instructional Video8:04

The Invisible Barrier Keeping Two Worlds Apart

12th - Higher Ed
In between two of the islands of Indonesia, there’s an ancient line that is both real and…not real.
Instructional Video8:07

The Island of the Last Surviving Mammoths

12th - Higher Ed
The Wrangel Island mammoths would end up being the final survivors of a once-widespread genus. In their final years, after having thrived in many parts of the world for millions of years, the very last mammoths that ever lived...
Instructional Video12:12

Were These Monsters Inspired by Fossils? (w/ Monstrum!)

12th - Higher Ed
People have been discovering the traces and remains of prehistoric creatures for thousands of years. And they’ve also probably been telling stories about fantastic beasts since language became a thing. So, is it possible that the...
Instructional Video10:45
Be Smart

Why Are So Many People Allergic To Food?

12th - Higher Ed
More people have food allergies than ever before. Peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, eggs, and even milk… the list of possibly dangerous foods seems to get longer every day. But why do some people’s bodies have deadly reactions food? And why...
Instructional Video28:14
Be Smart

The Biggest Myth About Climate Change

12th - Higher Ed
You’ve seen it in the comment section before: “Climate change is natural. It’s happened before and it will keep happening”. In reality, comments like these are the newest kind of climate change denial. In this video we’re going to learn...
Instructional Video12:06
Be Smart

How Much Of You Is ACTUALLY Alive?

12th - Higher Ed
You’re alive right now… at least I’m pretty sure you are. But you’re not TOTALLY alive. Bits of you are always breaking down, being thrown out, and being replaced. Even right now, parts of you are dying. Some of your cells even died...
Instructional Video6:27
Be Smart

Are We Running Out Of Food??

12th - Higher Ed
If you tried to sum up the last 150 years or so in one image, a chart of exponential growth would be a good place to start. It shows that some things change faster over time. You could apply it to life expectancy. Or compound interest....
Instructional Video4:29
Curated Video

How Was the Grand Canyon Formed?

12th - Higher Ed
How do you make a Grand Canyon?
Instructional Video22:37
Be Smart

The Golden Ratio: Is It Myth or Math?

12th - Higher Ed
The golden ratio. Some say it’s the most mythical number in the universe. Others say it underlies everything from nature’s patterns to beauty in art and design. But, like, what is it? And does the myth of the golden ratio hold up to its...
Instructional Video15:33
Be Smart

Sand Dunes Shouldn’t Exist (Here’s Why They Do)

12th - Higher Ed
How can sand, blown by the wind, form such intricate and beautiful patterns as ripples and dunes? The answer is a surprising secret of self-organization. In this video, we travel to Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado to climb the...