Instructional Video9:05
Be Smart

The Impossible Hugeness of Deep Time

12th - Higher Ed
Humans have a hard time with really big numbers, especially when it comes to DEEP TIME. The history of the Earth took a lot longer than you think, trust me. But I’m here to help you put it in perspective. With some string.
Instructional Video12:39
Be Smart

Is Earth's Most Important Ocean Current Doomed?

12th - Higher Ed
Ocean currents are our planet’s circulatory system, and they keep everything from ecosystems to the climate healthy. But we’re changing Earth in ways that threaten to disrupt and even break critical ocean currents like the planet-wide...
Instructional Video12:32
Be Smart

The Strange Cosmic Origin of Earth’s Most Precious Metals

12th - Higher Ed
Precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, and rhodium are expensive because they're rare in Earth's crust. But are they rare in the universe? Why is it so hard to make some of the chemical elements? Where do heavy metals come from,...
Instructional Video14:50
Be Smart

The Science of Iridescence

12th - Higher Ed
Why do we see rainbows in soap bubbles? What makes an oil slick so oddly beautiful? Iridescent colors, which transform depending on the angle you look at them, are all over nature. How does physics make these shifting rainbows? We’re...
Instructional Video15:08
Be Smart

The Amazing (and Deadly) Science of Jumping Spider Vision

12th - Higher Ed
Why do spiders have 8 eyes? It’s a seemingly simple question with a surprisingly complex answer. We’ll be hanging out with some jumping spiders (the cutest of all spiders) and some jumping spider researchers to investigate how a...
Instructional Video11:24
Be Smart

Recycling Is Broken. Here’s How We Can Fix It.

12th - Higher Ed
If everyone would just put more in the recycling bin instead of the trash can, the world would be a better place. Right? Well, that’s not exactly true. For many items that end up in the recycling bin, you’ve actually created more trash...
Instructional Video13:49
Be Smart

In Search of the Blackest Thing on Earth

12th - Higher Ed
There are some startlingly black animals out there, whether they’re in the deep ocean or in the darkest corners of the rainforest. But humans have created some stunningly black substances too, using science and engineering. So who wins,...
Instructional Video14:56
Be Smart

I Tried Eating Bugs… Here's What I Learned

12th - Higher Ed
People say insects are the food of the future. They’re more environmentally sustainable and more humane than other sources of animal protein. Can they really catch on in western diets? I’m a pretty adventurous eater, but I’ve never...
Instructional Video8:57
Be Smart

How Your Brain Makes Time Pass Fast or Slow

12th - Higher Ed
Time passes for all of us at the same rate of one second per second. But why does it sometimes feel like time is passing so fast, or so slowly? Especially during COVID? Let’s learn about how our brains keep track of and try to make sense...
Instructional Video18:46
Be Smart

How Your Brain Makes Its Own Electricity

12th - Higher Ed
Here’s a thought: What IS a thought? I know it involves my brain, and my brain is made of neurons. And my brain’s neurons are listening to other neurons all over my body. But how do those neurons actually work? Maybe you’ve heard that it...
Instructional Video13:41
Be Smart

How We Solved the Greatest Riddle In Navigation

12th - Higher Ed
Humanity’s drive to explore our planet is one of the defining characteristics of our species. But exploration only works if you know where you are at any given time. Not so easy when you are out at sea with no visible landmarks and the...
Instructional Video4:14
Be Smart

You Are An Upside-Down Lobster

12th - Higher Ed
Our bodies are mirror images of lobsters and other arthropods from back to belly. We've know since the early 19th century that our guts and nervous systems are inverted from theirs, but only recently has molecular biology shown us why....
Instructional Video5:27
Be Smart

Why do Trees Talk to Each Other?

12th - Higher Ed
Walk into any forest, and beneath your feet is an elaborate social network that helps make life on Earth possible. It’s called the “Wood Wide Web”, a massive and intricate network of fungi that exchange water, nutrients, and chemical...
Instructional Video5:20
Be Smart

Why Are There As Many Males As Females?

12th - Higher Ed
In almost every animal species on Earth, equal numbers of males and females are conceived. Why is that? Especially in populations like lions or elephant seals, where most males don’t get to mate? That’s survival of the laziest, not...
Instructional Video4:29
Be Smart

Where Do Birds Go In Winter?

12th - Higher Ed
As winter approaches, V-shaped flocks glide overhead as the world's birds begin their long treks to warmer climates. Humans used to have some pretty crazy theories about where birds went for winter, like the moon, or to the bottom of the...
Instructional Video5:00
Be Smart

Visiting the Largest Bat Colony on Earth!

12th - Higher Ed
Visiting the Largest Bat Colony on Earth!
Instructional Video7:21
Be Smart

The Strange and Unexpected Reason Ice is Slippery

12th - Higher Ed
I’m guessing you’re pretty familiar with ice. We use it in our drinks, slip on it, skate on it, worry about climate change melting it. But have you ever stopped to really think about this stuff? The freezing and melting of water affects...
Instructional Video10:55
Be Smart

The Most Unbelievable Image Ever Captured by Hubble Space Telescope

12th - Higher Ed
The Most Unbelievable Image Ever Captured by Hubble Space Telescope
Instructional Video9:29
Be Smart

The History of Money (From Barter To Bitcoin)

12th - Higher Ed
Money. We all use it. But is it real? I mean, you can touch a coin or bill, but who decided that’s worth anything? And what about all those 1’s and 0’s getting swapped and traded by computers thousands of times per second? How are those...
Instructional Video12:08
Be Smart

The Fastest Animals Are Way Faster Than You Think

12th - Higher Ed
The fastest animal in nature isn't what you think it is. It's way, way smaller than that. Nature's tiniest creatures warp the laws of physics, and they do it in ways that even human engineers would gawk at. Using the power of super...
Instructional Video8:17
Be Smart

The Evolutionary Purpose of Fun

12th - Higher Ed
Animals as simple as bees and as complex as you and me… like to have fun. But what’s the point of fun? Do all animals have fun? And for that matter, what is fun?
Instructional Video8:24
Be Smart

Sunlight Is Way Older Than You Think. Here’s Why…

12th - Higher Ed
If the sun instantly switched off like a light bulb–which can’t happen, by the way–then we wouldn’t know for almost 8 and a half minutes. Light travels at the fastest speed there is, but it still takes almost 500 seconds to get to Earth....
Instructional Video8:05
Be Smart

Nature's Most Amazing Animal Superpowers

12th - Higher Ed
Comic book heroes ain't got nothin' on evolution.
Instructional Video8:45
Be Smart

Is This Why We Haven’t Found Alien Civilizations? | STELLAR

12th - Higher Ed
Looking up at the stars makes you wonder: what and who is out there? And why haven’t we seen any other intelligent civilizations given the vast size and age of the universe? They’re complicated questions and although we haven’t met any...