Instructional Video11:35
Be Smart

Why We Should Launch Rockets From the Moon

12th - Higher Ed
Half a century ago, astronauts got on top of a really big rocket and sent a tiny little capsule on a 384,000 km trip to the moon and back. And they were able to do it because a lot of extremely smart and dedicated people pushed...
Instructional Video9:52
Be Smart

Why the Heck Are We Ticklish?

12th - Higher Ed
I’ve explained a lot of weird bodily functions on this show but there’s one that we haven’t covered that’s always confused me: Tickling. What are you for, tickling? What’s the point of you? Why do you exist? Why do you make us laugh even...
Instructional Video13:12
Be Smart

Why Soap Is Our Secret Weapon Against Germs

12th - Higher Ed
One of the most effective things you can do to protect yourself from catching a germ and becoming a statistic, whether it’s a global pandemic like COVID-19 or just every single other day of your life, is something that people have been...
Instructional Video10:26
Be Smart

Why No One Can See the Stars Anymore

12th - Higher Ed
It never gets dark anymore. Not REALLY dark, anyway. Not like it used to. Light pollution is not only making it more difficult to see the night sky, but it's also affecting our health. For the past century and a half, since the dawn of...
Instructional Video12:32
Be Smart

Why Is Sex a Thing?

12th - Higher Ed
Why does sex exist? You might think the obvious answer is “reproduction” but there are plenty of organisms on Earth that don’t require sex to reproduce. And the more that scientists examined sex, they more they realized that it’s an...
Instructional Video8:12
Be Smart

Why Is Our Skeleton On the Inside?

12th - Higher Ed
Having bones is pretty cool. They make our blood, let us hear, and keep us from being just a squishy puddle on the floor. But for every species with bones, there are at least 20 species on Earth with exoskeletons instead. And those...
Instructional Video8:35
Be Smart

Why Getting Dizzy is Kinda Like Temporary Brain Damage

12th - Higher Ed
We’ve all gotten dizzy before… but have you ever gotten WEIRD DIZZY? I teamed up with Vanessa Hill from BrainCrat to answer the question “why do we get dizzy?” and in the process we learned about some very strange and hilarious ways to...
Instructional Video8:08
Be Smart

Why Geckos Are Sticky Without Being Sticky

12th - Higher Ed
Geckos can grip and climb almost anything. Walking up walls, hanging upside down… even from glass. It’s almost like they can defy gravity. How do they do it? The secret lies in nanotechnology. I’ll tell you how that works and how...
Instructional Video13:11
Be Smart

Why Being Embarrassed Is Good For You

12th - Higher Ed
Embarrassment. Awkwardness. Cringe. No matter what you call it. it’s one of the most unique human emotions, and one that’s particularly hard to figure out. But if a feeling exists and has lasted through evolution, then it probably has a...
Instructional Video7:22
Be Smart

Why Don't Birds Lay Square Eggs?

12th - Higher Ed
What is ”egg-shaped” even? I used to think it was the shape of a chicken egg. Then one day I saw a collection of eggs from lots of different bird species, and I realized just how many different kind of egg shapes there really are! I had...
Instructional Video9:42
Be Smart

Why Don't Big Animals Get More Cancer?

12th - Higher Ed
Why do whales, elephants, and other large animals not get cancer? Logically, the larger an animal is, and the longer it lives, the more likely it should be to get cancer. But these giants don’t. Why is that? And can the answer help...
Instructional Video9:11
Be Smart

Why Does Every Animal Look Like This?

12th - Higher Ed
In the race to survive, both predators and prey use visual tricks to get ahead. One nearly universal trick is countershading, a color pattern that helps animals erase their own shadows or blend into different backgrounds. It’s worked...
Instructional Video16:44
Be Smart

Why Do We Lie?

12th - Higher Ed
Everyone lies. Even you and even me. We lie about small things and we lie about big things. We lie to help ourselves and we lie to protect others. Powerful people lie, all the way down to little kids telling fibs. Why do we do this if...
Instructional Video13:44
Be Smart

Why Deadly Viral Pandemics Are Becoming More Common

12th - Higher Ed
Viruses keep jumping out of nature and into humans and getting us very sick in the process. So why do zoonotic spillovers like SARS-CoV-2 happen, and why are they becoming more frequent? We asked an expert.
Instructional Video11:19
Be Smart

Why Are We Warm-Blooded?

12th - Higher Ed
A human with the metabolism of a hummingbird would need to eat about 80,000 calories a day to survive. That’s because staying warm by making your own heat takes a ton of energy. And that brings up a paradox, because creating your own...
Instructional Video15:15
Be Smart

Why Are There 7 Days In a Week? EXPLAINED

12th - Higher Ed
Why does everyone use a 7 day week, and where did it come from? Where do the names of the days come from? And who can we blame for Mondays? Here’s the true story of one of the oldest human customs still in use today. It gets a little...
Instructional Video7:13
Be Smart

Where On Earth Do You Weigh The Least?

12th - Higher Ed
You may have heard that a kilogram of feathers weighs the same as a kilogram of steel, but that all depends on where you weigh them. This video is all about the difference between mass and weight, and how weirdly awesome Earth’s gravity...
Instructional Video5:10
Be Smart

When Will We Stop Using Oil?

12th - Higher Ed
We've heard news of "peak oil" and "the end of the oil age" for years now, but we keep coming up with ways to find and pump more of it to the surface. Rising CO2 levels and the changing climate that results from burning fossil fuels mean...
Instructional Video20:26
Be Smart

When Is Now?

12th - Higher Ed
When is now? Seems like a pretty simple question… just look at your watch. But do you and I share the same “now”? Let’s journey from Einstein’s thought experiments about relativity to cutting edge neuroscience research to try and answer...
Instructional Video9:22
Be Smart

What's the Largest Living Thing On Earth?

12th - Higher Ed
The biggest thing that has ever lived on Earth… is a tree? Hard to believe, but it’s true. Travel with me to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado to go inside the most massive species on our planet, and learn what unique and special...
Instructional Video5:55
Be Smart

What Would Happen if ONE MILLION Species Went Extinct?

12th - Higher Ed
A massive new study has just been released showing that human activities are threatening Earth’s other life forms in some very bad ways. One million species may be at risk of extinction. Just let that sink in. Isn’t the Anthropocene...
Instructional Video14:03
Be Smart

What Is Nothing?

12th - Higher Ed
This is a video about nothing. Hope you learn something!
Instructional Video19:29
Curated Video

What is Impossible in Evolution?

12th - Higher Ed
Could humans ever evolve to have wings? Why don’t fish have propellers? Why don’t tigers have wheels? Why don’t zebras have laser turrets? These might all seem like stupid questions (and maybe they are!) but they can teach us a lot about...
Instructional Video7:46
Be Smart

What Is A Dinosaur And What Isn’t a Dinosaur?

12th - Higher Ed
There’s a lot of confusion out there about what is and isn’t a dinosaur. And you’d be forgiven for being kinda confused. Maybe paleontologists are just messing with us. Or… maybe the question of what is and isn’t a dinosaur goes deeper...