The Wildest Noises in Wildlife… and Dunes
Nature can be pretty noisy, but there's some stuff that's just quiet all the time - right? Well, thanks to advances in audio equipment, researchers are finding out that everything from plants to bacteria have a lot more to say that we...
What Do Parrots Think They’re Saying?
You ever see a parrot mimicking humans words, and wonder if they really get what they're talking about? They're smarter than they look - there's a lot of meaning in every squawk and chirp that parrots make. Not bad for a bird brain.
Why Can’t We Scoop All the Plastic Out of the Ocean?
Lots of people want to clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and plastics have a huge impact on ocean environments. But marine wildlife are already adapting to our plastic waste, which means cleaning it up isn't as simple as just......
Why Are Saturn’s Rings Younger Than Saturn?
Saturn's rings are younger than Saturn, and the most spectacular sight in the Solar System is also disappearing. How do we know? By running our finger through some cosmic dust.
Even Locusts Hate Plagues of Locusts
Plagues of locusts have been documented since ancient times, and they affect the food supply of one in ten people today. How can we stop them? Well, computer models of locusts swarms tell us every locust is scared to death of its neighbors.
Adorable Dolphin Kiddos Play Like Us
Whether it's solo or with a friend, young dolphins love to partake in a bit of play.
Chemo Sucks. Science Is Changing That
We use chemotherapy because it works, but no one has ever come home from chemo treatment and gone "That was fun!" Let's look at the new targeted therapies and personalized treatments for cancer that doctors are developing for clinical use.
Why Flies Die When They See Dead Flies
You're lucky you don't literally age faster and drop dead when you see a dead person... because fruit flies do. Here's what researchers are learning about the connection between perception, aging, and mood disorders like depression.
You're Basically A Mushroom
The tree of life you learned in school is wrong, even if you just graduated. We like to sort eukaryotes into big kingdoms or supergroups, but scientists can't agree what those groups should be. Here's why that's a good thing.
We Can't Find Most Of The World's Fungi
Most of the world’s fungi aren’t just rarely seen or found solely underground. They’re flat out invisible - and that’s becoming a big problem.
Start your own microscopic journey with a Journey to the Microcosmos microscope:...
The 2000-Year-Old Farmers Saving the Amazon Today
Thousands of years ago, indigenous farmers in the Amazon created exceptionally fertile soil. Today, scientists think it could restore the succession of rainforest plants and help reverse the effects of climate change.
Is The Orca Uprising Upon Us?
In 2023, a whole bunch of orcas started attacking boats off the coast of Spain. Was this the first battle in an all-out interspecies war? Well, probably not. But it's a pretty neat look into how trends come and go in orca pods - like...
We’re Wrong About How Mountains Form
We think we know how mountains form. Plate tectonics causes rock to be pushed up at fault boundaries. Except that model is hard to prove, and a new study suggests it might actually be a lot more complicated.
Your Fridge Isn’t Green, but It Could Be
Refrigeration and air conditioning are among the largest sources of carbon, and the refrigerants we use are greenhouse gases, too. But green refrigerants are on the way, from elastocaloric cooling to a method a bit like salting an icy road.
How Math Can Help Decode Art
Even though math and art feel like polar opposites, it turns out computer algorithms and calculations can help us see masterpieces in a new light. From using wavelet decomposition to study Van Gogh to using convolutional filters in...
Is MDMA the Solution to PTSD?
What if the treatment for one of the most daunting psychological conditions were a party drug? New research suggests that might be coming.
Why Are Craters Always Round?
If you take a look at all the impact craters in our solar system, the vast majority are nice, neat circles. But why? Meteorites and asteroids strike planets and moons at all sorts of angles. Where are all the elliptical craters?
A Needle So Tiny It Injects Into A Single Cell
It may be possible to create a needle so small it can inject a vaccine into a single cell. But it's not the product of a medical device company. It's part of something we often think of as making us sick.
Parasites Are Good, Actually
Parasites give most of us the heebie-jeebies. But new research shows they're pretty dang important for ecosystems, and climate change is putting them in danger. So here's some of the reasons you should care about those guys!
How Does Chickenpox Turn Into Shingles?
You might know that chickenpox and shingles are both caused by the same virus, varicella zoster. Here's why the symptoms, and even the vaccines, are different the second time around.
The Record-Breaking Rocket You've Never Heard Of
If you're going to be a world-record holder in the Space Age, why not be tiny instead of giant! JAXA's SS-520-5 is the smallest rocket to ever achieve Earth orbit.
Check out the SciShow Pin of the Month here:...
Why Is ChatGPT Bad At Math?
Sometimes, you ask ChatGPT to do a math problem that an arithmetically-inclined grade schooler can do with ease. And sometimes, ChatGPT can confidently state the wrong answer. It's all due to its nature as a large language model, and the...
Why HPV Is Cancer In One Convenient Package
HPV isn't the only virus that causes cancer, but it's one of the best at it. Here's what we've learned about this supervillain of a pathogen, and how to stop it.
The Sun Isn't Normal. This Telescope Learned the Hard Way.
The Kepler mission did a great job at showing just how abundant planets are beyond our solar system, but its hunt for Earth 2.0 orbiting Sun 2.0 was a lot less successful. That's partly because the scientists who designed the telescope...