Instructional Video5:09

Does the Food Chain Stop At Jellyfish?

12th - Higher Ed
Jellyfish aren't the most nutritious animals in the ocean. Yet sea turtles and many other organisms get their nutrition from almost nothing else. Here's why they don't totally starve to death.
Instructional Video5:52

How to See Inside Anything

12th - Higher Ed
You might think of x-rays as the go-to particle to see through solid objects. But there's a subatomic particle out there that can see through everything from volcanos to lead shielding in nuclear reactors. It's called a muon, and...
Instructional Video4:25

The Sun Is Green

12th - Higher Ed
The Sun is green, actually. We'll go into why the blackbody effect means the Sun emits more green visible light than any other color, and why evolution and color perception mean it's ok to see it as yellow, anyway.
Instructional Video6:14

This Parasite Needs To Ruin Three Lives

12th - Higher Ed
Why do so many parasites, especially helminths aka flatworms, jump around as many as THREE hosts to complete their life cycle? Why isn't one host good enough for them? We'll find out why parasites evolve complex life cycles that don't...
Instructional Video5:50

The Return of Thalidomide

12th - Higher Ed
Thalidomide is the infamous drug at the heart of one of the world's worst drug safety catastrophes in modern medicine. And yet, more recent research is finding that thalidomide is still worth using, despite the risks. So what makes this...
Instructional Video6:51

Can We Treat Alzheimer's With Period Blood?

12th - Higher Ed
From diabetes to Alzheimer's, there's a lot that we hope to be able to treat using stem cell therapies. But the stem cells we use tend to be hard to come by. But it turns out there's a new source of stem cells that has researchers...
Instructional Video5:46

Is That “New Car Smell” Dangerous?

12th - Higher Ed
Some of us can't get enough of that new car smell. But certain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that help create this aroma are linked to cancer. While this doesn't mean new car smell definitely increases your chance of getting cancer,...
Instructional Video10:34

Fentanyl is Very Deadly… Here's Why

12th - Higher Ed
Fentanyl has become a primary cause of the opioid overdose epidemic in the past decade. But what is it about this drug that's so dangerous? There's more to the story than meets the eye. If you’re ever in the position where you think...
Instructional Video5:42

Can Sponges “Think” Using Light?

12th - Higher Ed
Sponges might not look like particularly complex animals, but they've had billions of years to evolve their own special systems. And one of those systems might involve sending messages through their body in the form of light.
Instructional Video5:59

It's Raining Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

12th - Higher Ed
Bacteria are everywhere, including clouds, and the rain that falls from them. Not only can they survive the harsh environment and hitchhike across continents, they can share their genes, too. Including the ones that make them resistant...
Instructional Video5:43

The Southern Hemisphere is Colder, Stormier, and... Cleaner?

12th - Higher Ed
You'd think that the Northern and Southern Hemispheres would be basically symmetrical -- that since our planet is a ball, the climate, temperature, and weather patterns would be the same on top as on the bottom. But there are some...
Instructional Video6:14

These Animals Lost Their Stomachs. Why?

12th - Higher Ed
What do a platypus, a pufferfish, and a seahorse have in common? Why, they all managed to evolve themselves out of having a working stomach! The reasons why might vary, as well as how they manage to live their lives without them, but...
Instructional Video6:23

Launching Rockets Mid-Air

12th - Higher Ed
If you picture a rocket launch, do you imagine it taking off from a hot air balloon? In this episode, we'll learn how using balloons to launch sounding rockets advanced our understanding of planet Earth, radiation, and how to keep...
Instructional Video6:35

The WHO Says Diet Soda Causes Cancer. Does It?

12th - Higher Ed
The World Health organization recently added aspartame, an artificial sweetener used in diet soda and tea, to its list of possibly carcinogenic substances. But will diet soda really give you cancer? We look at the science behind the...
Instructional Video2:55

There's Water on...the Sun?

12th - Higher Ed
With an effective surface temperature of roughly 5,500 degrees Celsius, you might think water couldn't survive on the Sun. Well, scientists debated whether or not it was there for nearly a century, and it turns out, it can!
Instructional Video13:38

The Weight of “Nothing” Could Mean Everything (to Physics)

12th - Higher Ed
Deep in a Sardinian mine, researchers are constructing an experiment that hopes to solve what's known as The Worst Prediction In The History of Physics, and pin down the true identity of dark energy.
Instructional Video5:50

The Weird Reason More Bridges Are About to Fail

12th - Higher Ed
While they are incredible engineering marvels, we don't think about bridges all that much. But there's a good reason we should all be thinking about our bridges, since there's a weird reason that more of them might be at risk of failure...
Instructional Video6:38

The New Addiction Treatment We Found By Mistake

12th - Higher Ed
It's no secret that substance use disorders can wreak havoc on peoples' lives, so anything that we could do to mitigate those cravings and addictions is really important. Which is why it's such good news that research into drugs like...
Instructional Video4:21

The Science Of Fur Baby Talk

12th - Higher Ed
We've all gotten a little carried away with the baby talk at an animal that may not be a human baby. But there's a lot of research into exactly how much your sweet little fluffy-belly baby actually understands - and it's more than you...
Instructional Video5:29

The Bizarre World Of Underwater Sneezing

12th - Higher Ed
For us terrestrial animals, sneezing is a regular part of life involving the movement of a lot of air. But animals that live underwater and don't breathe air like we do also sneeze. Sea sponges, corals, and hagfish use their snot to...
Instructional Video6:56

Our Solar System Might Have TWO Hidden Planets

12th - Higher Ed
After Pluto's demotion to dwarf planet in 2006, our solar system went from having nine planets to eight. But about a decade later, some astronomers proposed there was another planet, larger than Earth, hiding in the Kuiper Belt. And in...
Instructional Video5:38

This Squid Glows… To Make Itself Invisible

12th - Higher Ed
When you live in the ocean, it can be hard to find ways to keep hidden from predators, or from your own prey. But these three animals have found clever ways to stay hidden, by using light to their advantage. One of them even /makes...
Instructional Video3:12

The Plant You Don’t Have To Water

12th - Higher Ed
Some plants can drink water from the air - and that has some weird effects on the forests where they live.
Instructional Video2:40

There’s No Such Thing As “Warm-” Or “Cold-” Blooded

12th - Higher Ed
The concept of warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals is outdated because there are actually tons of different animal thermoregulation strategies.