Which Is Worse: Underpopulation Or Overpopulation?
The human population of the world will soon peak – and then decrease – thanks to a combination of two quickly changing economic and educational trends.
Why Most Fossils Are Incomplete
In 1990, fossil collectors in South Dakota stumbled across a dinosaur that turned out to be a really big deal. Not just because it was a T. rex – basically the most popular dino out there – or because it ended up in Chicago’s famous...
The Trinity of Quality
In order to make something good, you need to have the right combination of three things: Quality, Discernment and Taste. This video is about quality vs quantity, the paradox of quality, how to make good content and good videos, etc....
Why Do Boats Make This Shape?
This video is about the "Kelvin wake" shape of water wakes behind boats - we talk about mach angle, dispersion, superposition of many waves, and how these all lead to the pattern of a wake. We don't get into Froude number though...
Freezing water expands. What if you don't let it?
One Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in one minute!
Why Continents Are High
Lots of geological forces need to come together for continents to form, but they all require one ingredient: water.
Why Weather Forecasts Suck
There are two types of rain, and one of them is almost impossible to forecast.
We Have No Idea Why
Most animals on earth are bioluminescent, but almost all of them live in the ocean - and scientists aren’t sure why.
Mushroom Wars
Two mushroom guilds with vastly different strategies are locked in competition for forest dominance.
How We Learned That Water Isn't An Element
For thousands of years, water was thought to be an element. That is, until some of the greatest chemists in the world managed to crack it open.
What if We Replaced Nuclear With Potatoes
Energy use can be confusing – I mean, how do you compare gasoline in your car to electricity piped to your house? That's why we made these things spud-tacularly simple.
When Tree Planting Goes Wrong
Trees are a super-efficient way to sequester carbon, but since planting the wrong trees in the wrong place can do more harm than good, we need to go about tree planting more carefully.
Why It's Impossible To Win a Nuclear War
Nuclear war is a terrifying existential threat, but we shouldn't only fear the blasts because the ensuing smoke is the real killer.
The 3 Reasons This Tree Has Lived 5000 Years
Methuselah’s environment lacks nutrients, water, and oxygen. In other words, it’s the perfect place to grow very very old.
When Was The Worst Time In History To Die?
By combining historical demography and epidemiology, we can (sort of) determine how people throughout history have died.
Why Do Heart Attacks Cause *Arm* Pain?
When the brain receives pain from an internal organ, it often projects the pain in the wrong place because of the way sensory nerve paths converge
The Disease You Will Never Survive
A simple mis-folding in a certain brain protein causes a disease for which we have no cure.
The Weird Sex Lives of Bluegills
When it comes to the mating game, fish have some of the strangest ways of thwarting the competition.
How Caffeine Accidentally Took Over The World
Plants don't make caffeine just for us, so what DO they make it for?
This Is Not A Bug
It’s common to call creepy crawlies bugs, but because entomologists refer to a specific class of insects as bugs, it’s wrong to call other things bugs - right?
These Countries Are Cheating
By overcounting how much carbon their forests suck up, and undercounting how much carbon their industries release, countries undercount their total carbon emissions.
Should More Species Be Extinct?
Watch these amazing rewilding videos from our friends at Planet Wild, in which they’re saving Europe’s cutest bird from extinction or resurrecting a dying forest.
Why Penrose Tiles Never Repeat
This video is about a better way to understand Penrose tilings (the famous tilings invented by Roger Penrose that never repeat themselves but still have some kind of order/pattern).