Instructional Video6:00

Why LESS Sensitive Tests Might Be Better

12th - Higher Ed
This video written & produced in collaboration with Aatish Bhatia, https://www.aatishb.com This video is about how cheap, fast, and LESS sensitive rapid antigen tests might be better for screening (& maybe surveillance) than PCR COVID...
Instructional Video2:45

The Rocket & String Paradox

12th - Higher Ed
This video is about Bell's Spaceship Paradox of Special Relativity, wherein a pair of rockets (or spacecraft) connected by a weak thread accelerate with uniform acceleration, maintaining the same separation, and the question is: does the...
Instructional Video5:25

The Problem With The Butterfly Effect

12th - Higher Ed
One Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in one minute!
Instructional Video3:15

Passing A Portal Through Itself

12th - Higher Ed
This video is about what happens if you try to pass a portal (like in the video game Portal or Portal 2) through itself - do you get a paradox? Infinite recursion? Impossibility? Contradiction? The end of the world? Collapse of the...
Instructional Video6:28

Is Anything on the Internet Real?

12th - Higher Ed
One Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in one minute!
Instructional Video3:57

Geosynchronous Orbits are WEIRD

12th - Higher Ed
This video is about the physics of geosynchronous and geostationary orbits, why they exist, when they don't, when they're useful for communication/satellite TV, etc.
Instructional Video4:29

A Better Way To Picture Atoms

12th - Higher Ed
This video is about using Bohmian trajectories to visualize the wavefunctions of hydrogen orbitals, rendered in 3D using custom python code in Blender.
Instructional Video2:17

Windmills Are NOT Like Dams

12th - Higher Ed
The Solution to the Windmill Paradox. This video is about the tradeoff of Windmills: the fact that the more kinetic energy you extract from the wind the slower the wind goes, the less wind you have to extract energy from, etc. How much...
Instructional Video3:09

The Physics of Windmill Design

12th - Higher Ed
This video is about how physics dictates the design of modern windmills - why they are so big, have so few blades, and have such skinny blades.
Instructional Video1:43

How to Simulate the Universe on your Laptop

12th - Higher Ed
One Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in one minute!
Instructional Video5:15

General Relativity Explained in 7 Levels of Difficulty

12th - Higher Ed
This video covers the General theory of Relativity, developed by Albert Einstein, from basic simple levels (it's gravity, curved space) through to the concepts of how curved spacetime is represented by psuedo-Riemannian manifolds with...
Instructional Video2:51

How Do Abortion Pills Work?

12th - Higher Ed
You may have heard of "abortion pills" - here's what these medications are and what they do (and don't do).
Instructional Video2:41

What Happens When A Volcano Meets a Glacier?

12th - Higher Ed
Volcanoes might seem like an unstoppable force of nature - but there is at least one OTHER force on Earth that seems to be able to keep them down.
Instructional Video2:42

When 90dB is LOUDER than 120dB

12th - Higher Ed
We often use decibels, a measure of sound pressure, to describe how loud something is - but loudness is caused by how we perceive sounds, and the two often don't line up.
Instructional Video3:35

What Is The Best Shape For A Farm?

12th - Higher Ed
The shape of a farm can tell you a surprising amount about the land it's on and the people that use it.
Instructional Video4:07

Is Pregnancy A Disease?

12th - Higher Ed
We actually have no idea what a “disease” is.
Instructional Video4:07

Another Portal Paradox

12th - Higher Ed
What happens if you extend a piston through a portal? Or try to sandwich a cube between two portals? That's right, it's time to explore more portal paradoxes!
Instructional Video2:56

Most Collisions Are Secretly in One Dimension

12th - Higher Ed
This video is about elastic and inelastic collisions in 1D, 2D and 3D - and how the collision of conservation of energy with conservation of momentum, plus a secret direction, results in a completely predetermined behavior for most...
Instructional Video1:27

Minute Physics: What is Gravity?

12th - Higher Ed
In this episode, we discuss the basic nature of gravity, one of the four fundamental forces in our universe.
Instructional Video8:47
Amoeba Sisters

Skeletal System

12th - Higher Ed
Join the Amoeba Sisters on this introduction to the human Skeletal System! This video first introduces several types of skeletal systems found in different organisms before focusing on the human endoskeleton. Then, this video takes a...
Instructional Video8:30
Amoeba Sisters

Punnett Squares and Sex-Linked Traits (UPDATED)

12th - Higher Ed
Explore how to solve Punnett squares that involve sex-linked traits, specifically focusing on X-linked traits. Video has a resource available here https://www.amoebasisters.com/handouts This 2023 UPDATED sex-linked traits Amoeba Sisters...
Instructional Video12:00
Amoeba Sisters

Animals: Tour of 9 Phyla

12th - Higher Ed
Join the Amoeba Sisters in exploring some general animal characteristics, major vocabulary used in classifying animals (such as symmetry, protostome vs deuterostome, cephalization, and coelom), and take a general tour of 9 major animal...
Instructional Video2:58

Relative Humidity Isn't What You Think It Is

12th - Higher Ed
Have you ever wondered why 75% humidity in the summer feels sticky, but 75% humidity in the winter feels super dry? Turns out, the common definition of humidity is inconvenient and confusing. But there is a better way!
Instructional Video6:06

We Solved the Mystery of the Dying Birds

12th - Higher Ed
Across the southeastern United States, bald eagles have been dying unexplainedly for the past 25 years. In March of 2021, researchers announced that they had found the killer, and they hope we can use this knowledge to better protect...