Instructional Video9:06

The Bizarre Evolution of Hemipenes (yes...hemipenes.)

12th - Higher Ed
Snakes have two penises (aka hemipenes) that come in a diverse array of shapes and sizes. And they could owe it all to their lack of legs.
Instructional Video7:37


12th - Higher Ed
Hank examines the zoological definition of monogamy, as well as some other breeding strategies that animals use.
Instructional Video45:44

How to Increase Your Athletic Ability | The Scientific Truth

12th - Higher Ed
You may think you just have to run more, or lift more weights—but the truth is, there is a scientific way to increase your athletic ability! Join Stefan Chin for a new episode of SciShow and learn how you might be able to perform better,...
Instructional Video8:44

How The Six Degrees Phenomenon Has Changed Science

12th - Higher Ed
You may have heard about the Six Degrees of Separation phenomenon, but it isn't just a fun celebrity game, it helps scientists understand the spread of epidemics, the structure of the internet, and even the neural networks in your brain!
Instructional Video26:03

Cougar Stress: SciShow Talk Show

12th - Higher Ed
Lara Brenner talks about her research on how stressed cougars are and how the public views them. Then Jessi from Animal Wonders joins the show with Seraphina the red fox!
Instructional Video25:01

Conservation Genomics and Kizmit the Porcupine: SciShow Talk Show

12th - Higher Ed
Brit Garner, host of SciShow Psych, talks about the research she's doing in conservation genetics/genomics, and Jessi from Animal Wonders shows off an African crested porcupine!
Instructional Video10:01

Butt Chat? Why These Primates Communicate With Their Rear Ends

12th - Higher Ed
Have you ever wondered why some primates have such a red, prominent rear end? Turns out that many monkeys use their bums for communication! Learn all about this butt chat in this episode of SciShow!
Instructional Video17:31

Building New Molecules: SciShow Talk Show

12th - Higher Ed
Hank and PhD candidate Casey Massena go deep into the chemistry of a molecule that Casey helped create! Then Jessi joins the show to show off Ecuador, one of her many conures!
Instructional Video9:07

7 Unbelievably Hardcore Ants

12th - Higher Ed
The ant world is an incredible, dangerous, and downright bizarre place. Some ants, though, are a lot cooler and more resourceful than you might give them credit for.
Instructional Video10:30

6 Animals with Oddly Human Behavior

12th - Higher Ed
According to research, some animals act in ways that seem oddly similar to the things we do.
Instructional Video4:05

Your Head Might Be On Sideways

12th - Higher Ed
In your brain the right side controls the left half of your body and vice versa. We still aren't sure why this is, but some scientists have come up with a pretty bizarre explanation: that some ancient vertebrate ancestor was born with...
Instructional Video4:44

Your Bones Do More Than You Think

12th - Higher Ed
Bones, you probably have them and they're for more than holding your body upright.
Instructional Video1:35

Would You Like To Look at a Sample of Hair? | SciShow Patreon Bloopers

12th - Higher Ed
Today’s video is a bit different from the usual because we wanted to show off the goofier side of the SciShow hosts.
Instructional Video4:03

Why We’ve Been Ignoring These Brain Cells | Great Minds: Ben Barres

12th - Higher Ed
Neurons often get all the credit for running the brain, but the work done by Ben Barres at Stanford University proved that glial cells are far more crucial to brain functioning than we had previously realized.
Instructional Video3:39

Why Viruses are Good for Wasps

12th - Higher Ed
Contracting a virus is generally a bad thing, but among certain parasitic wasps, passing a virus to their offspring is actually key to their survival.
Instructional Video2:52

Why Sexy Is Sexy

12th - Higher Ed
Hank delves into the scientific reasons behind why we are attracted to the people we're attracted to. It's complicated.
Instructional Video4:47

Why Scurvy Doesn't Make Sense to Science

12th - Higher Ed
Scurvy isn't just a silly word used by pirates- it's actually a serious disease caused by a lack of Vitamin C that still occurs today! But did you know that our distant ancestors could make their own Vitamin C, making it impossible to...
Instructional Video5:35

Why It's Good for COVID-19 Models to Be Wrong

12th - Higher Ed
As we react to the predictions that epidemiological models make, changing the ways we act and go about our lives, those estimates can appear totally off. But if a model’s predictions end up being wrong, that might mean it's done exactly...
Instructional Video4:32

Why Frogs Sometimes Fall From the Sky

12th - Higher Ed
It doesn't seem possible, but animal rain is definitely real, and there is an actual scientific explanation for it... probably.
Instructional Video2:19

Why Don’t Spiders Stick to Their Webs?

12th - Higher Ed
Spiderwebs are designed to trap bug-sized creatures. So how come spiders don’t get stuck?
Instructional Video1:25

Why Do Zebras Have Stripes?

12th - Higher Ed
Michael Aranda explores the purpose of zebra stripes.
Instructional Video3:27

Why Do People Kill? And Other Revelations Of Human Nature

12th - Higher Ed
There are a lot of things that are still not fully understood about the species Homo sapiens - what makes us US? What makes us move the way we do, think the way we do, and kill the way we do? Today on SciShow News, Hank gives us a little...
Instructional Video2:29

Why Do Peaches Make My Mouth Itch?

12th - Higher Ed
Allergies can already be a bummer, but did you know they can eventually stop you from enjoying your favorite foods?
Instructional Video1:50

Why Do Old Books Smell So Good?

12th - Higher Ed
Musty, with hints of vanilla, coffee, and maybe fresh cut grass-- why do old books smell the best?