Instructional Video6:11

Why Bacteria Don't Outweigh the Earth

12th - Higher Ed
This episode is brought to you by the Music for Scientists album! Check out “The Idea” music video here: • The Idea, written... . Given just a little time, bacteria could outgrow earth, so what's stopping them?
Instructional Video2:55

Why Aren't Mammals as Big as Dinosaurs?

12th - Higher Ed
Dinosaurs were huge—it's common knowledge. So why aren't modern mammals anywhere near that size? In this episode of SciShow, Hank gives a quick run-down of the reasons scientists think the land mammals of today are nowhere near the size...
Instructional Video1:40

Why are we Ticklish?

12th - Higher Ed
What’s up with ticklishness? And are other animals ticklish, too? Quick Questions has the answers!
Instructional Video2:06

Why are Insects Attracted to Light?

12th - Higher Ed
You know how moths like to fly into lamps or crawl all over your tv screen at night? Why do they do this?! The answer is more complicated than you might think...
Instructional Video4:09

Whiteflies Destroy Crops Thanks to a Stolen Plant Gene | SciShow News

12th - Higher Ed
The silverleaf whitefly – a very prolific pest – is the only insect that we know of with a functional stolen plant gene.
Instructional Video3:32

Where Does the Candle Wax Go?

12th - Higher Ed
While not used much any more as a primary source of light, candles are still everywhere, from an aroma in a bathroom to a mood during dinner. That is, until they’re gone.
Instructional Video3:32

When Sex is Hard

12th - Higher Ed
When it comes to sex things can be complicated, but for the three species we are looking at today, sex is really hard.
Instructional Video6:11

When Athletes Dope ... & Einstein FTW

12th - Higher Ed
This week's SciShow news has Hank bringing us a primer on the science behind various illegal and illicit ways in which athletes "improve" their bodies, proof of general relativity that we can actually see, and a new way to measure how...
Instructional Video6:36

What's Up With That Russian Vaccine? | SciShow News

12th - Higher Ed
You might be wondering what we know about Sputnik V, the world’s first vaccine for widespread use against COVID-19. Well, so is everyone. Many experts are skeptical as to whether the vaccine actually works, because it’s been tested in a...
Instructional Video2:31

What If Your Arm Falls Off Right After a Vaccine?

12th - Higher Ed
If you lost your arm almost immediately after being vaccinated, would you still be vaccinated?
Instructional Video1:53

What Happens to My Wool Sweater in the Washer?

12th - Higher Ed
Be careful with your wool. Unless you want a nice piece of felt with some holes in it.
Instructional Video2:19

What are Scars?

12th - Higher Ed
Almost everyone has a scar that tells a story, but have you ever wondered why exactly scars form in the first place?
Instructional Video11:39

Why It Actually Took 50 Years to Make COVID mRNA Vaccines

12th - Higher Ed
The FDA recently approved two mRNA vaccines for COVID-19, but it was a challenge to make this type of vaccine work. And it took decades of research to get us to the point where scientists could make those vaccines as quickly as they did.
Instructional Video7:21

Why Do We Procrastinate?

12th - Higher Ed
You know that thing you've been putting off for awhile, that could probably be done now but instead not doing 'cause it doesn't sound like fun' right now? Well here's an explanation as to why you probably feel that way. So stop...
Instructional Video12:53

They're Breaking the Species Barrier

12th - Higher Ed
There are wild hybridizations happening all the time! Here are five weird and wild hybrids that aren't just cool but could teach us something too. Hosted by: Hank Green (he/him) 0:00 Intro 1:06 Arctic Oddballs 3:43 Bouncing Baby Bears...
Instructional Video15:46

The Truth Behind Monkeypox

12th - Higher Ed
Is Monkeypox truly as dangerous as the media says? The current human monkeypox outbreak has left many feeling uneasy about the potential of another pandemic. Whether it's fact or fiction, we'll show you what we know about Monkeypox in...
Instructional Video8:06

The Secrets Hidden in Your Tears, Earwax, and Other Secretions

12th - Higher Ed
Our various secretions - from tears to earwax - can tell us more about our bodies than you might think!
Instructional Video8:05

The Science of Anti-Vaccination

12th - Higher Ed
Fewer children in the United States are getting vaccinated. That’s bad news for those kids, and also for public health in general. Often, the response is to argue and debate and get angry at people who are we see as making terrible,...
Instructional Video9:06

The Messy Path to the First Successful Organ Transplants

12th - Higher Ed
Today, the organ transplantation is one of the well-known medical treatment, but the road to the first successful organ transplant was full of challenges, discoveries, and a whole lot of work.
Instructional Video10:46

The 4 Greatest Mysteries of Physics

12th - Higher Ed
There are still some great mysteries of our universe that physicists can't explain. How is that possible? Join us as we break down the 4 greatest mysteries of physics in this episode of SciShow hosted by Michael Aranda!
Instructional Video10:33


12th - Higher Ed
Hank tells us some of the surprising things that could be causing or contributing to the obesity epidemic.
Instructional Video10:49

Most Metabolism Boosters Are BS

12th - Higher Ed
Despite some bold claims, most supplements can’t really "boost" your metabolism, and the actual changes we can make to it are pretty limited.
Instructional Video9:12

If the Asteroid Hit 10 Minutes Later...

12th - Higher Ed
If the 10 kilometer wide asteroid that hit the Earth 66 million years ago hit just a few minutes later, would the outcome of the living creatures here have been different?
Instructional Video22:20

Gina McCarthy on Public Health & Climate Change | SciShow Talk Show

12th - Higher Ed
Humans are great at creating, and solving, problems. Hank talks with Gina McCarthy about the biggest public health problem we face today: climate change. Gina McCarthy is the Director of C-CHANGE (Center for Climate, Health and the...