Fish Are Way Smarter Than You Think
Many people assume that fish are less intelligent than mammals, but it turns out that isn’t true at all - they are actually way smarter than you probably give them credit for.
A Brief History of Robotics
Why don’t we have robots taking care of our every need by now? A little history of the field of robotics might help you understand how hard it is to get machines to perform tasks, and how far we’ve come in just a few decades.
Wood-eating Clams: The Real Kraken?
For thousands of years, a sea creature has plagued sailors by attacking and devouring their ships. It is so destructive that reportedly it swiss-cheesed the hulls of Christopher Columbus’s ships, sinking at least two of them.
Why Yapoks Need a Pouch for Their Junk
Yapoks are cute aquatic marsupials, and they're the only living creatures that need pouches for their sacs.
Why Would a Butterfly Need a Bridge?
Meet the Duke of Burgundy, a species of butterfly that was saved from certain doom, thanks to a bridge.
Why NASA Uses Satellites and Airplanes to Study Frogs
Why NASA Uses Satellites and Airplanes to Study Frogs
Why Haven't We Built a Better Battery?
Improving batteries is a tough problem, but it’s also an important one because in many ways the future of our planet also depends on the future of batteries. Luckily, scientists are on the case, figuring out ways to give this essential...
Why Aren't Commercial Jets Getting Faster?
Airplanes are one of the quickest ways to get anywhere, but commercial jets haven't gotten much fast since the 1950's. Why is that?
Why Are There No Male Whalefish?
Thanks to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and their research and technology partner MBARI for partnering with us on this episode of SciShow. They worked together on an exhibition, “Into The Deep: Exploring Our Undiscovered Ocean,” to give...
Where Did That One Thick, Dark Hair Come From?
Some days you look in the mirror and find a long dark hair where it didn't use to be. Maybe you're going through puberty, pregnancy, or menopause. Maybe you're not. But either way, that hair didn't appear out of nowhere. It just went...
Where did Teeth Come From??
Everywhere in the animal kingdom you can find teeth in all sorts of shapes and sizes, so you probably think you have a pretty good idea where they came from. But in reality, this debate is still a hot one, and it may have something to do...
Where Did Humans Come From?
Hank tells us about new and confusing discoveries in the field of Human Evolution.
What Happens If A Plane Gets Struck By Lightning?
If you're flying on a plane in a thunderstorm, you should be more worried about the wind than the lightning.
What Does Ultrasound Gel Do?
You may have had an ultrasound before, and wondered what that gel does. Well, that weird alien goop has a purpose, and it has to do with being like our weird human skin.
How People Have Evolved to Live in the Clouds
High elevations can be a problem for humans. Since the air is thinner, you get less oxygen with every breath, leading to all kinds of negative side effects. But there are millions of people around the world who spend their whole lives at...
How Long Has Health Care Existed on Earth?
We know modern day healthcare to be a world of expensive premiums, long wait times and frustrating hospital bills. However health care has existed long before insurance premiums and online portals! Curious about when healthcare for...
How Dogs Really Listen to Us, and How Pufferfish Puff
This week on SciShow News: Animals! New research has found how dogs actually listen to us in more complex ways than you probably thought, and also figured out how a kind of pufferfish gets its puff up.
How Does a Photon Become a Film Photo?
The chemistry behind film photography is pretty fascinating. How do film cameras help us turn light into a physical image?
How Do Turtles Live So Long?
We all know turtles live an amazingly long time, but what's their secret? And can we apply it to humans?
Good News: Daffodils Are The Worst
Daffodils are cheerful symbols of spring… and also cold blooded killers. But it turns out, the poison in these plants may actually be helpful to us humans!
Do You Have a Maximum Heart Rate?
Does your heart rate have an upper limit and could you ever reach it?
Do Those Glasses Really Fix Colorblindness?
You've seen those viral videos of colorblind people putting on special glasses and reacting to colors they've never seen before! Today, we'll explore how colorblindness works and what those glasses try to do to fix it! Hosted by: Hank Green
Curious Orangutans and 4 Other Animals a Bit Different in Captivity
Surround a wild animal with humans, and there are bound to be some changes. Here are five animals that show differences in captivity.
Cephalopods Have a Totally Wild Way of Adapting
With their squishy bodies and color-changing abilities, octopuses and other cephalopods already look like our planet’s resident aliens. But researchers have discovered yet another thing that separates them from most other animals on...