Instructional Video3:25

Can We Predict Earthquakes?

12th - Higher Ed
Hank talks about why it is so difficult for scientists to predict earthquakes in the short term.
Instructional Video3:12

Can Screens Damage Your Eyes?

12th - Higher Ed
You might have heard that exposure to unnatural lights from digital devices can hurt your eyes. But is that true? Hosted by: Stefan Chin
Instructional Video2:27

Can Houseplants Improve Air Quality?

12th - Higher Ed
We all have that coworker who insists that the houseplants on their desks are improving the office air quality, but is there any truth to that? Hosted by: Olivia Gordon
Instructional Video5:24

Birds Are A Quick Fix For Your Anxiety

12th - Higher Ed
Tweeting may not decrease your stress, but the twitter of some birds just might. And can we make people forget their memories?
Instructional Video2:17

5 Reasons Breastfeeding is Awesome

12th - Higher Ed
Hank gives us the top 5 scientifically documented reasons why breastfeeding is awesome - for both mom and baby.
Instructional Video6:09

What Really Happened the First Time We Split a Heavy Atom in Half

12th - Higher Ed
When scientists first split the atom, they didn’t realize what they’d done until physicist Lise Meitner figured out they had discovered what we now call nuclear fission.
Instructional Video9:14

What Can You Actually Learn from Your Genome?

12th - Higher Ed
Genetic tests can give you advice about what lifestyle, diet, and level of exercise are best for you. But you should take those suggestions with a grain of salt, because, when it comes to our bodies, our genes aren’t so much an open...
Instructional Video8:53

We Keep Finding Fossils in VERY Weird Places...

12th - Higher Ed
Fossils aren't just something you find at dig sites. Correction: 3:03 Actually, it was the American Museum of Natural History. But it was a Bruce Museum curator who found it!
Instructional Video5:41

Unexpected Ways Scientists Use GPS

12th - Higher Ed
GPS devices aren't just for keeping you from driving into a lake. They're also helping lots of scientists in unexpected ways.
Instructional Video3:48

Viroids: Possibly the Smallest Pathogens on Earth

12th - Higher Ed
Potato spindle tuber disease wasn't a life-or-death situation, but it led to the discovery of viroids: infectious, replicating bits of RNA
Instructional Video4:05

Underwater Discovery and Adventure: The Story of Jacques Cousteau

12th - Higher Ed
Learn about the famous red hat wearing underwater explorer Jacques Cousteau! Hosted by: Hank Green
Instructional Video5:46

There's a Loophole in One of the Most Important Laws of Physics

12th - Higher Ed
The laws of thermodynamics are cornerstones of physics - but one of them is more breakable than it appears. Hosted by: Olivia Gordon
Instructional Video4:15

The Smokin' Science of Fire Extinguishers

12th - Higher Ed
Different fuels create different types of fires, and each one needs to be extinguished using a specific strategy. Do you know which class of extinguisher is needed for different fires? Hosted by: Michael Aranda
Instructional Video4:26

The Science of a Selfie

12th - Higher Ed
Taking photos used to require technical knowledge and time in a lab, but now we have electronic devices in our pockets that do all of the work for us. How do these miracle devices do it? Hosted by: Olivia Gordon
Instructional Video7:30

The Most Advanced Robots in the World

12th - Higher Ed
The most advanced robots in the world might not be exactly what you’re expecting. But they’re shaping humanity’s future. Hosted by: Michael Aranda
Instructional Video3:46

The Salamander That Refuses to Grow Up

12th - Higher Ed
If you hear the word “baby-faced” you might picture a doe-eyed celebrity who never seems to age. But, really, you should be thinking of the axolotl. However, it is possible to transform these otherwise forever-babies, causing them to...
Instructional Video3:16

The Physics of Roller Coasters

12th - Higher Ed
Roller coasters give people the opportunity to experience physics in dramatic ways. In this episode of SciShow, we break down how physics work on roller coasters to give you the ride of your life!
Instructional Video3:03

The Mollusk Hiding Rare Minerals in its Teeth

12th - Higher Ed
Chitons are constantly scraping their teeth on rocks to eat the algae off of them, but that means their teeth need to be pretty tough. And it turns out one species's teeth are the hardest, stiffest biominerals in any living thing we've...
Instructional Video5:25

The Little Lobster That Reveals Climate

12th - Higher Ed
Pelagic red crabs are actually lobsters - and that’s not even the weirdest thing about them! They sometimes wash up on shore in droves, signaling large scale climate events like El Niños and serving as a warning to marine biologists of...
Instructional Video3:23

How Michael Faraday Changed the World with a Magnet | Great Minds

12th - Higher Ed
From a blacksmith's son, to one of the most repeated names in physics textbooks, Michael Faraday epitomized the spirit of scientific exploration
Instructional Video2:24

How Do Wetsuits Keep You Warm?

12th - Higher Ed
Snorkelers, surfers, divers. They all use them… wetsuits! So how do they work to keep you warm? It turns out layers of materials, and water itself!
Instructional Video2:51

How Can a Saw Know What It’s Cutting?

12th - Higher Ed
Table saws, while quite useful for woodworking, are also dangerous machines, which is why some incredible safety mechanisms have been invented to help you remain one with your body parts. Hosted by: Stefan Chin
Instructional Video5:09

Hacking the Brain: The Future of Prosthetics

12th - Higher Ed
We usually think of 'hacking' as a bad thing, but scientists are working on ways to hack the brain that will greatly benefit people with prosthetics, and maybe someday people with paralysis.
Instructional Video4:34

From Lifesaver Sparks to Life-saving Tech: The Science of Triboluminescence

12th - Higher Ed
You might know that if you chomp on a Wint-O-Green Lifesaver in a dark room, you can see little blue flashes of light in your mouth. What you might not know is that this is an example of triboluminescence: a fascinating, somewhat...