Instructional Video11:10

One Weird Reason People Suck at Parking

12th - Higher Ed
Human territoriality results in some pretty ridiculous behaviors. And luckily, scientists have studied it in all kinds of situations.
Instructional Video11:35

Does COVID Cause Cancer?

12th - Higher Ed
There's a troubling link between COVID and certain cancers, but as always, it's complicated.
Instructional Video12:41

8 Terrible Science Takes

12th - Higher Ed
Have you ever seen a science take on the Internet that you're pretty sure is wrong, but you aren't sure how to break it down? Well good news, we are taking care of that for you! Here are just 8 of them, from climate myths to health...
Instructional Video9:20

How We'll Beat Breast Cancer

12th - Higher Ed
Breast cancer is a shockingly common disease - as many as 13% of females may get it at some point in their lives. And there's a lot of confusing info out there about it, from hormones to BRCA genes to risks and treatments. So we're here...
Instructional Video6:56

Retinal Scanning is Changing Healthcare

12th - Higher Ed
Your optometrist can tell you if you're at risk for cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, or diabetes. And it's all thanks to James Bond-style retinal scanners.
Instructional Video12:46

Is Liquid Nitrogen the Future of Clean Energy?

12th - Higher Ed
Liquid nitrogen (LN2) might slow down a T1000 for a bit, and it definitely helps make yummy ice cream during a classroom demo, but it has a lot of applications you may have never considered. Maybe one day it'll help astronauts stay...
Instructional Video10:02

How Much of the Periodic Table is in YOU?

12th - Higher Ed
About 99.9% of your typical human body is made of just 11 elements from the periodic table. But hiding in that remaining 0.1% are some elements that do some very important jobs to keep you alive and healthy. Including some elements you...
Instructional Video9:33

Why Do Antidepressants Cause Brain Zaps?

12th - Higher Ed
For some people who stop taking an SSRI or SNRI antidepressant, they can get a weird side effect called brain zaps. And even though we've known about them for decades, we still don't know exactly why brain zaps happen.
Instructional Video11:29

Do CPAPs Even Work for Sleep Apnea?

12th - Higher Ed
If you've been prescribed an expensive, cumbersome CPAP machine, you might want to know if it actually works. And while sleep doctors insist CPAP is the standard of care, out there in the real world, it's a little more complicated.
Instructional Video8:27

Chernobyl's Radioactive Wild Boar Paradox

12th - Higher Ed
After the Chernobyl Disaster, researchers have been studying the movement of radioactive contamination all over central Europe. Fortunately, that radioactive contamination is decreasing in just about every living thing, except for one...
Instructional Video9:11

Can You Make A Computer Out Of Food?

12th - Higher Ed
Could an edible computer be in your future? Researchers are currently working on several of the components you find in them, from batteries to circuit boards to logic gates.
Instructional Video16:43

Actually Understand Hormone Replacement Therapy

12th - Higher Ed
For transgender and nonbinary people, hormone replacement therapy has become one of the standards of care. But what is it, exactly? And what can people receiving the therapy expect? SciShow has the answers.
Instructional Video10:03

The Tiny T. rex Causing a Big Science Feud

12th - Higher Ed
You’ve heard of Tyrannosaurus rex, but did you know they might have a mini-cousin called Nanotyrannus? And that “might” is serious, because researchers have been arguing about it for nearly 40 years and still haven’t gotten to the bottom...
Instructional Video10:46

The Universe’s Second, Bigger Bang

12th - Higher Ed
In 2023, a team of researchers proposed that our universe experienced not one, but TWO Big Bangs about a month apart from one another. The first for the stuff described by our Standard Model of Particle Physics. And the second for that...
Instructional Video11:52

How Lava Turned a Rhino Into a Cave

12th - Higher Ed
We know that fossils are fragile, and volcanoes are destructive. So you wouldn't think that volcanoes are really any help when preserving fossils... but you'd be wrong! From the Laetoli Footprints to the Blue Lake Rhino, here are five...
Instructional Video5:32

This Video Game Software Helps Us Do Paleontology

12th - Higher Ed
The same technology that helps you rack up kills in your favorite FPS games also helps paleontologists solve million-year-old mysteries. Thanks to Dr. Anne Kort for helping us with this video!
Instructional Video4:53

Injured? Maybe Antlers Could Help

12th - Higher Ed
Scientists have recently discovered the cells responsible for a deer's amazing ability to regrow antlers in just a few months. It may be the key to healing human wounds and broken bones faster.
Instructional Video5:14

How to Move a Mountain

12th - Higher Ed
Almost 50 million years ago, the biggest landslide in Earth's history occurred in Wyoming. An entire mountain slid 45 kilometers at one-third the speed of sound. But how could this happen when the slope was only 2 degrees?
Instructional Video6:49

The 3 Species That Break Genetics

12th - Higher Ed
Scientists have discovered a group of three closely related flowers that seem to break the laws of genetics. These mountain beardtongues are pollinated by either bees or butterflies, but not both, and that's the key to an incredibly...
Instructional Video1:53

These Rocks Are ALIVE

12th - Higher Ed
This month, our SciShow Rocks Box subscribers are getting a really special treat -- a real, living, pet rock! These critters have been beloved companions for decades, and we're bringing you pet rocks from the original wild vein, meaning...
Instructional Video5:58

Why the Hardest Rocks Can Be Easy to Break

12th - Higher Ed
So, rocks are hard. But the scale we use to rank them, the Mohs scale, is only really good at quantifying that for one kind of hardness, and topaz is a perfect stone to talk about to explain that. And you can check it out in our SciShow...
Instructional Video7:44

The Solar System is Beige

12th - Higher Ed
Whether you grew up with a poster of the solar system on your bedroom wall or not, you've probably got a specific idea of what the planets look like. From brilliantly blue Neptune to the "red planet" Mars. But if you managed to actually...
Instructional Video6:43

New Oil Spill Clean Up Method, Guess What?

12th - Higher Ed
There are many conventional ways to treat oil spills, both at sea and on land, but some of the strangest include human hair and chicken manure.
Instructional Video6:35

What's Your Cat Dreaming About?

12th - Higher Ed
If you've ever watched an animal sleep and wondered what they're dreaming about, science has the answers.