Instructional Video6:42

These Scrolls Got Destroyed by a Volcano, But It’s Fine

12th - Higher Ed
The eruption of Mt Vesuvius buried the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, and one ancient library was burned to a crisp. However, scientists are now using machine learning and AI to decipher the writing on them and recover lost works of...
Instructional Video5:19

Why Isn't Mount Denali a Volcano?

12th - Higher Ed
Alaska has the most volcanoes out of all the US states, but researchers think they don't have enough. Here's the weird science behind looking for Alaska's volcanoes, and what we've learned about volcanism along the way.
Instructional Video5:43

Autoimmune Diseases Are Sexist. Here’s Why

12th - Higher Ed
Autoimmune diseases like lupus disproportionately affect women five to one. Researchers have finally pinpointed a unique silencing gene on the X chromosome that may help explain why. Women Get More AutoImmune Diseases. Here’s Why.
Instructional Video6:54

Fool’s Gold Might Be Better Than the Real Thing

12th - Higher Ed
This month's Rocks Box is pyrite, also called fool's gold. But this fool's gold might not be so foolish, since we can use it to get all kinds of other minerals we really need, and it may be a key to getting real gold after all.
Instructional Video6:06

Something's Been Making Weird Pits in the Seafloor

12th - Higher Ed
For years, scientists couldn't solve the mystery of strange pits on the floor of the North Sea. Initially they blamed methane seeps, but it seems like the pits were actually made on porpoise.
Instructional Video5:26

How to Get the Most Out of Magnesium

12th - Higher Ed
Magnesium may be all the rage as a sleep aid, but does it actually work? We decided to dive into the research to find out, and ended up learning a lot about mice along the way.
Instructional Video5:19

The Volcanoes That May Have Started Life on Earth

12th - Higher Ed
The nitrogen cycle is essential to life on Earth, but biological nitrogen must be fixed before it can be used. Scientists aren't sure how the first nitrogen became available... but it might have been volcanoes.
Instructional Video6:38

Wait, We JUST Banned Asbestos?

12th - Higher Ed
Amphibole asbestos has been (mostly) illegal in the United States since 1989. So why is the EPA just banning chrysotile asbestos in the year 2024? And is chrysotile really safer?
Instructional Video5:58

Room Temperature Is A Lie

12th - Higher Ed
An entire field of science is dedicated to identifying the perfect indoor temperature. And it's a lot more complicated than simply setting the thermostat to 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit).
Instructional Video7:42

Our Galaxy May Be 10 Times Bigger Than We Thought

12th - Higher Ed
The Milky Way is often described as measuring 100,000 light years across and containing the mass of a trillion Suns. But our home galaxy is actually far bigger, and might be much less massive. Astronomers aren't sure what the exact stats...
Instructional Video5:57

The Metal Claw Hiding in Your Food

12th - Higher Ed
Have you ever seen "calcium disodium EDTA" on an ingredients label and wondered what it's doing in your food? As it turns out, ethylenediamene triacetate is an important preservative that's helping to preserve your food. It's totally...
Instructional Video5:32

The Rock That's Helping Us Find the Origin of Life

12th - Higher Ed
Epidote might just look like a pretty little crystal, but it has a secret. thanks to the high-pressure circumstances where it forms, we can use it to help us uncover the origins of life on our planet, and maybe even find signs of life on...
Instructional Video5:08

Were Humans Destined to Exist?

12th - Higher Ed
This is a snippet of a larger conversation taking place on Crash Course Pods: The Universe. Over 11 episodes, John Green and Katie Mack walk through the entire history of the universe…even the parts that aren’t written yet.
Instructional Video5:50

Why NASA Put The Moon In A Pool

12th - Higher Ed
NASA has been using swimming pools to train astronauts since the 1960s. The largest is the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (NBL), which holds roughly 9 olympic pools worth of water and has contained not just mockups of space station and...
Instructional Video6:45

We Discovered a New Natural Cycle!

12th - Higher Ed
So we all know about the carbon cycle, and the water cycle, and maybe even the nitrogen cycle. But new research has figured out there's a salt cycle, too. Problem is, that same research has found that we already broke it. Here's what...
Instructional Video7:23

How Pandas Got Such a Bad Reputation

12th - Higher Ed
Look, we've all heard the rumors that giant pandas are an evolutionary dead end. But we are here to set the record straight and show you that these adorable fluff balls are a lot tougher than they seem.
Instructional Video6:39

The Rare Disorder That Turns Everyone Else Into Demons

12th - Higher Ed
Prosopometamorphopsia is an extremely rare disorder of facial processing that makes other people's faces look demonic or seem to melt. But in the process of treating these people, we can also learn how our brain understands what a face...
Instructional Video10:17

These Birds’ Nests Are Terrible for a Reason

12th - Higher Ed
Some birds' nests are works of art. These are not those. But we'll see why the terrible nesting habits of the cuckoo or jacana or even pigeons are the right thing for their survival.
Instructional Video12:51

The Surprisingly Useful Physics of Desk Toys

12th - Higher Ed
How do Newton's Cradles connect to cancer treatments? Let's unpack the physics of some of our favorite desk toys, from dippy birds to perpetual motion machines, and explore how these scientific principles can be used beyond an office desk.
Instructional Video9:25

Can an Equation Really Tell Us How Many Aliens Exist?

12th - Higher Ed
In 1961, the astronomer Frank Drake wrote down what is now known as the Drake Equation. It's so important to the culture surrounding the search for extraterrestrial life that scientists have carved it into the upcoming Europa Clipper...
Instructional Video6:11

Why City Birds Love Cigarettes

12th - Higher Ed
Urban birds like house finches and house sparrows are great at finding materials to repel pests and parasites from their nests. Unfortunately, one of those materials is used cigarette butts.
Instructional Video5:55

When Did We Start Getting Cavities?

12th - Higher Ed
You would think that without dentists and fluoride mouthwash, early humans would have terrible teeth. But tooth decay depends on access to sugars and starches -- meaning most early humans had decent teeth up until the Agricultural...
Instructional Video13:01

The World's Oldest Recipes

12th - Higher Ed
If you could throw a potluck with all the oldest foods in the world, what would you bring? We asked ourselves that question and prepared a menu of tasty snacks for you to consider, from tamales and noodles to our favorite ancient boozes....
Instructional Video10:28

This Blood Test Predicts Your Future

12th - Higher Ed
There's a lot of interest in knowing your future when you're a kid. But one thing you can know with basically 100% certainty isn't one you'd expect - your risk of developing type one diabetes. So if one simple blood test can tell you if...