Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Vacations
This page has a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities using 16 vocabulary words pertaining to vacations. It also offers an extensive word list of vacation vocabulary and ideas for lesson plans.
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Wizard Words
This page offers a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities using vocabulary words pertaining to Wizards. It also provides an extensive word list for wizards and lesson plan ideas.
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Zodiac: Aquarius Jan. 20 Feb. 18
This page offers word puzzles using 9 vocabulary words pertaining to Zodiac: Aquarius - Jan. 20 - Feb. 18. It also includes an extensive word list of character and leadership traits and other informatation about character.
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Greek Mythology Words: Alphabetical 56 Greek Mythology Words
This is an alphabetical list of the 56 Greek Mythology Words used in the seven vocabulary puzzles.
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Greek Mythology Words: Mythology 1
This is puzzle 1 of the 56 GREEK MYTHOLOGY WORDS in 7 PUZZLES for you to study. Start by solving the 8 words in any of the 7 puzzles. Use the mythology story root and character reference, the hint letter, the word definition and the word...
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Greek Mythology Words: Mythology 2
This is puzzle 2 of the 56 GREEK MYTHOLOGY WORDS in 7 PUZZLES for you to study. Start by solving the 8 words in any of the 7 puzzles. Use the mythology story root and character reference, the hint letter, the word definition and the word...
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Greek Mythology Words: Mythology 3
This is puzzle 3 of the 56 GREEK MYTHOLOGY WORDS in 7 PUZZLES for you to study. Start by solving the 8 words in any of the 7 puzzles. Use the mythology story root and character reference, the hint letter, the word definition and the word...
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Greek Mythology Words: Mythology 4
This is puzzle 4 of the 56 GREEK MYTHOLOGY WORDS in 7 PUZZLES for you to study. Start by solving the 8 words in any of the 7 puzzles. Use the mythology story root and character reference, the hint letter, the word definition and the word...
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Alphabetical All Theme Puzzle List
This is an alphabetical themes list of all of the puzzles available at MyVocabulary.com.
Quia: Have Fun: My Quia Activities and Quizzes
Have Fun is a collection of links to Quia games, activities, and quizzes covering a variety of language arts topics, such as analogies, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, sequencing, categorizing, compound words, grammar, sentences, and...
Wisconsin Response to Intervention Center
Wisconsin Rt I Center: Language Resources [Pdf]
This site provides a collection of language teaching resources. Strategies are arranged in the "Vocabulary Acquisition and Use" standard and grade cluster of the ELA Common Core Curriculum Standard.
Advanced Phonics Activities Free Reading
A great site to find lessons to use for teaching advanced phonics and word families.
Rock ’N Learn
Rock 'N Learn: Silly Willy: Y
This printable -dge worksheet from Rock 'N Learn can be used as a reinforcement activity or as an assessment. While using picture cues, students will unscramble words that end in -y to form the long /e/. An answer key and lesson...
International Reading Association
Reading Online Articles: Comprehension Instruction
An article on improving reading comprehension through time-tested strategies as well as a summary of new hypotheses about effective comprehension instruction.
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Classic Books Vocabulary
This is an index of links of novels and vocabulary word lists from them. Click on a specific book/novel/play to see the printalble list of vocabulary words. These include classics such as 1984, Tale of Two Cities, Angela's Ashes, Da...
Student Team Literature: Standardized Reading Practice Test: A Wrinkle in Time
This resource provides excerpts from Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time. Students will practice standardized test-taking skills related to context clues, reading comprehension, and cause and effect.
Read Write Think: Using Poetry to Teach Reading & Writing
Lesson plan makes use of weekly poems for students to read, discuss, and study. Students compile a poetry portfolio to use for further learning in reading and writing, as well as engaging in interactive activities such as creative poetry...
Hopelink: Reading Lesson Idea: Vocabulary Games
Begin building a better vocabulary through this comprehensive lesson plan with vocabulary games. L.11-12. 6 Vocabulary
Hopelink: Reading Lesson Idea: Personal Vocabulary Notebook
This site has a simple but direct approach to building your vocabulary. Keeping a special notebook of new words can increase vocabulary, assist memorization, and encourage good study and organization skills. L.11-12. 6 Vocabulary
Word Bank Lesson Plan: Eastside Literacy Program
This word bank lesson plan offers the individual student the opportunity to increase their vocabulary.
Read Works
Read Works: Vocabulary in Context 3rd Grade Unit: Dictionary
[Free Registration/Login Required] A lesson in which students learn to use a dictionary to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words. Lesson utilizes the book The Life Cycle of a Beetle by Bobbie Kalman and Molly Aloian and includes...
Wisconsin Response to Intervention Center
Wisconsin Rt I Center: Semantic Maps for Morphological Analysis [Pdf]
Classroom teachers will learn about semantic maps to break words into meaningful word parts, an engaging instructional strategy tool. Teachers will learn how to implement semantic maps, understand how to measure progress with semantic...
Read Write Think: Vocabulary Instruction Lesson Plan
This lesson plan uses a virtual trip to the moon to teach vocabulary practice. Included in the lesson plan is an overview, practice, objectives, resources, preparation, and more.
Wisconsin Response to Intervention Center
Wisconsin Rt I Center: Frayer Model [Pdf]
Classroom teachers will learn about the Frayer Model, an engaging instructional strategy tool. Teachers will learn how to implement the Frayer Model, understand how to measure progress with the Frayer Model, find research that supports...