Read Works
Read Works: Cold Faithful
[Free Registration/Login Required] A literary text about ice geysers on Enceladus, one of the moons orbiting Saturn. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: Hot for Hybrids
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about the pros and cons of hybrid cars. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: Machines Can Move!
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about simple machines used in daily life such as: a pulley, a screw, an inclined plane, a wheel and axle, a wedge, and a lever. A question sheet is available to help students build...
Read Works
Read Works: Cool Cats
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about cheetahs and five cheetah cubs born at the National Zoo in 2005. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: Ig Nobel Winners
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about Ig Nobel Prizes and some people who have won them. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: Forms of Art Watercolor
[Free Registration/Login Required] This nonfiction passage explains the process of watercolor painting. It includes comprehension questions and a teacher guide and can be used as both a read-aloud exercise and an individual practice tool.
Read Works
Read Works: Do You Have Good Posture?
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about posture and problems created by sitting at a computer. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in understanding cause and effect.
Scholastic: Test Taking Strategies for Three Subject Areas
This instructional activity offers test-taking strategies that develop vocabulary, reading comprehension, and language arts mechanics.
Scholastic: Professional Development Tutorial: Increasing Vocabulary
This tutorial is a sample lesson from a Scholastic Red session on vocabulary development.
Scholastic: Eric Carle Biography
Discover more about your favorite children's author, Eric Carle, when you visit this biography. Students and teachers will gain a new perspective of this author's life and work.
Read Works
Read Works: Vocabulary in Context 1st Grade Unit
[Free Registration/Login Required] This website provides a series of three lesson plans designed to teach students to use visual, meaning, and structure clues separately and together to determine the meaning of unknown words. Lessons are...
Vocabulary Spelling City
Vocabulary Spelling City:lakewood 1st Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Resources
This site offers 30 vocabulary and spelling lessons. Each lesson provides a word list; when the words are clicked on, it is pronounced and used in a sentence aloud. For the quizzes, the words are pronounced, and the students type in the...
Utah Education Network
Uen: 2nd Grade Act. 01: Exploration Tubs
During this language development lesson, 2nd graders will explore tubs with different themes. Students will use these tubs to explore fossils, rocks, reptiles, orgnisms
English at Home: Learn English
Designed for English Language Learners, this site offers a collection of lessons on grammar, vocabulary, tenses, verbs and speaking. It includes sections on idioms and real-life English, as well as quizzes. This can be used as an...
Focusing on Words
This site has information that will enhance your English-vocabulary skills. Experience the wonder of words by focusing on the Latin and Greek elements used in English.
Language Guide
Language Guide: Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary
Useful resource for learning everyday Chinese vocabulary -- roll over each image to hear the correct pronunciation and see how the word is written. Corresponding English section (and other languages) makes this site a useful tool for ESL...
Language Guide
Language Guide: Russian Vocabulary
Learn everyday Russian vocabulary words by rolling over a word or image to hear pronunciation and see spelling. The Language Guide site also has a corresponding section in English so that ESL students can compare vocabulary in English...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Evaluating the Connotation
This lesson focuses on evaluating the connotation of a vocabulary word. It defines connotation and gives an example. It details three steps: read the word in context, determine the tone of the overall reading, and compare the tone with...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Evaluating Possible Meanings
This lesson explains how to evaluate the possible meanings of vocabulary words. An audio lesson [3:07] and notes are included in this tutorial. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.L.4
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Vocab Tip: Test Yourself
A screencast lesson [5 mins, 30 secs] explaining how students can learn new vocabulary words by testing themselves over the words to discover what they know and what they need to know.
Ab Cya: Word Clouds for Kids!
Type or paste a word list into the space provided to create a word cloud. Adjust colors and fonts.
Ab Cya: Word Search Template: Christmas Word Search
Vocabulary practice or just for fun, use this seasonal template for creating a word search. Make your search in a small grid or large and select whether the activity will be done virtually or printed out.
Ab Cya: Word Search: Easter Word Search
Whether reviewing vocabulary or looking for a light activity during the Easter season take advantage of this Easter word search template. Choose from a ten or fifteen word grid and select paper or virtual.
Ab Cya: Word Search: Halloween Word Search
Whether the class is reviewing vocabulary or just looking for a fun activity put together a word search to be printed or done online. Select the Halloween templates which come in two sizes.