Pbs Teachers: Blink (Lesson Plans About Hate Crimes)
Two lesson plans about the nature of hate crimes can be found at this P.O.V. site. Students identify elements that make up a hate crime and try to determine what motivates those who commit them. They also analyze how hate crimes are...
Scholastic: Tomie De Paola's Biography
This resource features a booklist for Tomie dePaola. There is a summary and a picture of each book.
Class Flow: Wintertime Math
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson kindergarten students will explore beginning mathematics by ordering numbers to 30, recognizing sets, recalling number words to ten and matching simple addition sentences to snowflake...
Class Flow: Making a Name Cup
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart assists educators in creating fun ways to incorporate technology into the classroom, while promoting participation on the students part.
Lesson Plan z.com: Lesson Plans
LessonPlanZ.com is an online resource for teachers to find lesson plans and other teaching resources.
Lin and Don Donn
Lin and Don Donn: Lessons: Africa
This lesson plan features ideas suitable for teaching about ancient Africa that generate excitement about this subject.
Lin and Don Donn
Lin and Don Donn: Lesson Plans: World War I
At this site, which is a personal site from the teachers Don and Lin Donn, find lesson ideas regarding World War I. There are a variety of lessons that should peak students' curiosity.
Lin and Don Donn
Lin and Don Donn: Lessons: World War Ii
This web page is a personal site of lesson plans and unit plans regarding World War II. Innovative lessons are for a variety of grades.
Lin and Don Donn
Lin and Don Donn: Language Lessons: Native American Lit.
Relevant resource links and ideas for lessons to teach Native American Literature also come with information on specific units, suggested lists of books, and Native American Poetry.
Books in the Classroom
Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site: Themes and Subjects
Primarily for use by a teacher, this site gives a list of themes and subject areas that, when clicked, lead to more information on books, articles, links and activities for the classroom.
Lin and Don Donn
Lin and Don Donn: Archaeology
This site provides links to lesson plans ranging chronologically from prehistory through the medieval period. Lessons are oriented toward a younger audience with an emphasis on exploration and discovery.
Pbs Teachers: Well Founded Fear (Lesson Plans About Asylum Seekers)
Two lesson plans about asylum seekers, one of which is based on the case of the SS St. Louis, an ocean liner of Jewish refugees seeking asylum from Nazi persecution in 1939. The lessons let students discuss how U.S. immigration and...
Pbs Teachers: War Feels Like War: Journalism in War Time (Teacher Resources)
Assess a lesson plan that revolves around the role of journalists in a democracy, especially considering the challenges and ethics of reporting from a war zone. Should broaden student understanding of Thomas Jefferson's ideal of an...
Pbs Teachers: Every Mother's Son (A Lesson for Exploring Police Brutality)
Suggested lesson plan to be used with the P.O.V. documentary "Every Mother's Son" but may be adapted for use without. Students describe examples of police brutality and explore the larger systemic problems related to policing. They also...
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Lesson Plan: Scientific Method "The Big Ahah"
This lesson plan helps students understand and use the scientific method. It also helps helps students understand the importance of good scientific experimentation to the scientific method.
Pbs: Political Analysis Through Satire
A lesson that asks students to examine and analyze examples of political satire, then to compare and contrast how journalism and satire address political candidates and issues. The lesson includes instructions for creating political...
Wnet: Thirteen: Human Rights (Lesson Plan)
A lesson for exploring and reporting on world human rights issues in which learners analyze the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and compare it to the U.S. bill of rights.
Wnet: Thirteen: Visions for a New World (Lesson Plan)
A lesson for exploring the ways in which Kofi Annan has spoken for the weak, poor, and voiceless. Learners analyze a world event and then express a dream or a vision of how the situation could be improved.
Pbs Teachers: u.s. Constitution and the Idea of Compromise (Lesson Plan)
In this lesson, examine many of the opposing viewpoints held by founding fathers as they considered various compromises that made the U.S. Constitution possible, including the three-fifths compromise made to placate slave-owning states.
Lin and Don Donn
Lin and Don Donn: Countries and Continents
This resource provides links to ideas and for teaching about the Arctic Circle and about the Antarctic. There are also links to additional sites.
Purple Math
Purplemath: Lessons and Tutoring: Reviews
An algebra teacher's treasure from Purplemath.com. This collection contains links to over 20 links for algebra lesson plans and other resources.
Classroom Clipart
Thousands of free images in a wide variety of categories. Plus, there's an extensive lesson plan search for every subject area.
Council for Economic Education
Econedlink: Economic Forecasting: Web Quest (9 12)
How do economists make their forecasts about the United States economy? This lesson uses the Internet to retrieve up-to-date key economic statistics which will provide valuable hints about the state of the future economy.
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin: 5 Magnetism
From an online teacher demonstration book. Includes a description and explanation of five demonstrations on a variety of magnetism topics. Interesting and captivating demos.