Cornell University
Cornell University: Art, Design, and Visual Thinking
Use the left-hand toolbar of this site to investigate an online textbook for the language of design. It provides visual examples and explanations of line, form, color, color psychology, texture, balance, proportion and many more...
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Minneapolis Institute of Arts: World Ceramics
World Ceramics surveys ceramic artwork produced in a dozen different regions of the world. Extensive notes and illustrations accompany each piece, providing complete facts related to where it came from, how it was used, and how it was...
Global Art Project for Peace
Join this inspiring global art exchange that promotes peace around the world. You will be paired with another participating individual or group from another culture and will share art works expressing world peace. The exchange occurs...
Global Art Project for Peace
Join this inspiring global art exchange that promotes peace around the world. You will be paired with another participating individual or group from another culture and will share art works expressing world peace. The exchange occurs...
Pacific Asia Museum: Animals in Japanese Art
A rich-media site that explores animals, both real and imaginary, as a central theme in Japanese paintings and prints. Learn about the traditions and techniques of Japanese painting and prints and see examples of work created by Japanese...
Musee Du Quai Branly: Indigenous Art of Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Oceania
Examine a collection of artifacts produced by indigenous cultures Africa, America, Asia, and Oceania in three-dimensions. Includes location maps and helpful commentary.
The British Museum
British Museum: Explore World Cultures
Begin exploring world cultures by choosing from a lengthy menu of cultural periods and cultural regions of the world.
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art: Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History
A chronological, geographic, and thematic overview of art history illustrated with examples from the Metropolitan's collections. A stunning work of scholarship and beauty from one of the world's most influential cultural institutions.
The Cave of Chauvet Pont D'arc
This is a site about the discoveries that have been made at Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc in France. These cave paintings are thought to be about 31,000 years old. The site shows photos of the artwork and provides plenty of information about the...
Google Cultural Institute
Google Cultural Institute: Art Project
Art Project is a part of the Google Cultural Institute. View individual pieces of art in detail with the close-up tool. View collections from museums around the world, and even get 360 degree views of artworks within those museums....
Jacques Edouard Berger Foundation: World Art Treasures
Berger's slide library is overflowing with information about art from around the world and from every period in history.
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Minneapolis Institute of Arts: World Myths and Legends in Art
Fully comprehensive site that dives into world myths and world cultures. View art that expresses mythological themes from various cultures around the world and learn about cultural similarities and differences. Key words for learning,...
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Learning Lab: Japan: Images of a People
Students learn to view Japanese paintings, they make a screen, and they learn about the culture of Japan. There are three lesson plans and all allow all needed materials to be downloaded.
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Minneapolis Institute of Art: Book of Multicultural Images
Pictures of people, clothing styles, spiritual deities, places, and animals from around the world to color, to paint, and to use as inspiration. Different historical periods and cultures are represented making this a good resource for...
Poetics by Aristotle
Well here it is, the basis for Art Imitating Nature! This site is all text translated by S. H. Butcher. 26 chapters on the subject. If you wondered about the origins of the concept, here it is.
Buddhist Artifacts the Support of Spiritual Realization
A site by Tulku Thondup explaining the significance of Buddhist art in Tibet. This is an excerpt from a talk given at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston in 1990. The basis is how the Buddhist devotees in Tibet use religious objects as tools...
University of Illinois
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign: Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion: Collections
The Krannert Art Museum provides a great collection of artwork from all over the world. Click on "collections" to access images of African, Egyptian, America-Pre-Columbian, USA, Ancient Gandhara, China, India, Japan, Thailand, Greece,...
Kinder Art
Kinder Art: Lessons: Lessons, Crafts, Printables, and More
KinderArt directs you to multiple kinds of resources and materials for teaching art and art history. A fun place to explore ideas for creative lesson planning.
Joseph Wu Origami: What Is Origami?
A brief history of the art of Origami by Joseph Wu. Basic techniques, types of paper, and terminology are discussed.
Dick Blick Art Materials: Multicultural Lesson Plans
Twelve teacher-tested lesson plans to integrate art from around the world into your classroom. Each activity comes with a list of materials you'll need, easy-to-follow explanations, and examples.
My Learning
My Learning: Journey Through India and Pakistan
Normally when we think of public art we think of something displayed outside in a stationary position. Not so in the case of Pakistan! Check out their decorated trucks discovered traveling on the Grand Trunk Road.
Pics4 Learning: Images for Education: Ceramics
Dozens of useful photos of various ceramics from around the world at this stie from Pics 4 Learning Inc. A useful reference in an art or history class. Browse through the examples, then click to enlarge.