Arcademics: Meteor Multiplication
Blast a meteor that represents the correct multiplication problem.
Arcademics: Puppy Pull Decimal Words
Determine the correct decimal value based upon the written form to have your puppy tug the rope harder.
Arcademics: Tugboat Addition
Students will play tug a boat against the computer by answering addition questions correctly and quickly.
Arcademics: Integer Warp
Idenitfy the correct answer based upon the given integer multiplication problem.
Visnos: Fraction Wall
Interactive fraction bars allow practice with mixed and equivalent fractions, decimals, and percents. Use Safari and/or Chrome browser.
Visnos: Spinners
Interactive spinners can be used by teachers and students to find the rule, use order of operations to solve, and substitute values for variables. Best results when Safari or Chrome are used.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Coolmath4kids: Printable Flash Cards
Find here flashcards for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division for printing off and coloring.
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Jefferson Lab: Mystery Math
Students practice solving subtraction problems with multiple digits.
Arcademics: Canoe Puppies
Canoe Puppies is a multiplayer math game that allows students from anywhere in the world to race against each other while practicing adding two-digit numbers!
Fun 4 The Brain
Fun4 the Brain: Multiplication Games Deep Dive
Practice multiplication facts with this interactive underwater game.
Fun 4 The Brain
Fun4 the Brain: Division Games Deep Dive
Practice division facts with this interactive underwater game.
University of Texas at Austin
Mathematics Teks Toolkit: Make a Hundred
Play a game with dice to determine if it is possible to make a hundred.
K-5 Math Teaching Resources
K 5 Math Teaching Resources: Subtraction Split [Pdf]
Students draw a card then decompose the given numbers before subtracting them.
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Jefferson Lab: Order of Operations
Students will be given a set of numbers and will determine the order in which to add or subtract them to end with the correct solution.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Maths and Sports: Olympic Cards
Play our sporty card game with 24 cards featuring information about Olympic athletes past and present. This game is aimed at primary school pupils at Key Stages 1 and 2.
Saddleback College
Algebra2go: Addition Techniques: Problem Sets
This resource has three problem sets to practice addition using associtaive and commutative property of addition. Select a problem set, then select a question. Fill in the blank with the correct answer for each problem. When you have...
Saddleback College
Algebra2go: Rounding Numbers Problem Sets
This resource has three problem sets to practice rounding whole numbers to 10's, 100's and so on, place. Select a problem set, then select a question. Fill in the blank with the correct answer for each problem. When you have answered all...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Break Apart 3 Digit Addition Problems
Practice breaking apart big addition problems using place value. For example, 234+567 is the same as 200+500+30+60+4+7. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive...
Fun Brain
Fun Brain: Math Zone
An interactive games site with a range of addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division games for players in grades 1 to 8.
Fun Brain
Fun Brain: Soccer Shootout (Fractions and Whole Numbers)
Using fractions and whole numbers, score goals and block your opponent's goals by correctly answering addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems. Four levels of play--easy, medium, hard, and super brain--to test your...
Saddleback College
Algebra2go: Subtraction Using an Abacus Problem Sets
This resource has three problem sets to practice subtraction using Abacus worksheet. Select a problem set, then select a question. Fill in the blank with the correct answer for each problem. When you have answered all of the questions,...
Saddleback College
Algebra2go: The Distributive Property Problem Sets
This resource has three sets of problems. Each set has six questions for practicing multiplication operation. Select a problem set, then select a question. Fill in the blank with the correct answer for each problem. When you have...