US Department of Commerce
Diversity: Languages Spoken in the United States
High schoolers begin a discussion on diversity and determine the percent of the population that speak another language at home in the US. Classmates make a prediction of the percentage of people that speak another language at home in...
New Mexico State University
Creature Caverns
Plot the relationship of characteristics of creepy creatures. Learners plot the coordinates to describe the number of eyes, horns, and/or brains different creatures have. Pupils fill out a table to plot the points and complete the...
New Mexico State University
Curse Reverse
Build towers with algebraic expressions. Pupils use algebraic expressions to build towers that allow their players to navigate a series of rooms. Learners evaluate expressions using different values for the variables to create a pathway...
New Mexico State University
Build numbers with place value to save the day. Pupils use the keyboard to control the digits in the hundredths through hundreds place to create target numbers to destroy shadows. As participants build the numbers, a number line shows...
New Mexico State University
Ratio Rumble
Develop a potion of ratios. Learners play a matching game to make potions that follow a recipe. Pupils create equivalent ratios to make multiple recipes at a given time. As levels increase, ratios get more difficult, as they include...
US Department of Commerce
Diversity: Differences in Communities
Using census data, the class finds the percentages of three diversity categories for four states and compare them. With the assistance of a 10 X 10 grid, pupils create visual representations of a comparison between two states on one...
US Department of Commerce
How Does Our Class Compare?
Compare the class to the country. As a group, pupils collect data on the types of activities boys and girls do after school. Learners compare the number of girls to the number of boys for each activity. Using census data, individuals...
US Department of Commerce
Does the Percentage of People Who Walk to Work in Cities Vary with Population Size?
To walk or not to walk? Pupils create box plots comparing the percentage of residents who walk to work in large, medium, and small cities. Using the box plots, class members compare the data that reflects available statistics. Scholars...
US Department of Commerce
Commuting to Work: Box Plots, Central Tendency, Outliers
Biking may be an outlier. Using data from 10 states on the number of people reporting they bike to work, pupils calculate the measures of center. Scholars determine the range and interquartile range and find which provides a better...
US Department of Commerce
Census in Counties - Describing and Comparing Histograms to Understand American Life
Use graphs to interpret life in 136 counties. Pupils analyze histograms and describe the shapes of the distributions of data collected from several counties on different aspects of life. Scholars make predictions on the difference in...
US Department of Commerce
Featured Activity: Population Change Over Time
Keep track of a state's population. After a brief discussion on how population data is used for funding, individuals look at population changes over time. Pupils find the population of two states using three different censuses. They then...
US Department of Commerce
Creating and Taking a Survey
Individuals learn how to conduct surveys and collect data for the class on age, pets, and number of people at home. Scholars compare their household size to the information in the census. Pupils then develop additional questions to ask...
US Department of Commerce
Looking at Numbers of Births Using a Line Graph
Was there a baby boom? Using census data, class members take a look at the number of 8-11 year olds and determine their birth years. Scholars create a double line graph to compare the number of births for two states for several years....
US Department of Commerce
Applying Correlation Coefficients - Educational Attainment and Unemployment
Correlate education with unemployment rates. Individuals compare state and regional unemployment rates with education levels by calculating the correlation coefficient and analyzing scatter plots. Pupils begin by looking at regional data...
US Department of Commerce
Make Data Speak
Data displays are more than just a bunch of numbers. Small groups access census results and create eye-catching data displays. Teams choose a statistic and collect data points for five locations. Classmates present their infographics to...
Radford University
Exploring Types of Variation Activity
Create a variable list of problems. Groups come up with four scenarios. Each situation represents different types of variation, direct, inverse, joint, and combined. Teams then generate questions about their contextual problems for...