Science Buddies
Science Buddies: M&m Math
By using a simple bag of M&Ms, you can conduct an experiment in statistics to determine the frequency of colors in the package. The Science Buddies project ideas are set up consistently beginning with an abstract, objective, and...
Pbs Mathline: We're All Tuned in Lesson Plan [Pdf]
Determine which radio station is the best for local businesses to advertise their business through. Printable lesson.
Ns Dept. Of Education: Grades 9 12 Atlantic Canada Data Management [Pdf]
Statistics Canada prepared this document for use by teachers in Atlantic Canada. It lists lesson resources on the StatsCan website for data management, statistics and probability in the secondary curriculum.
Ns Dept. Of Education: Grades 4 8 Atlantic Canada Data Management [Pdf]
Statistics Canada prepared this document for use by teachers in Atlantic Canada. It lists lesson resources on the StatsCan website for data management, statistics and probability for Grades 4 to 8.
Ns Dept. Of Education: Mathematics: Grade 9: Data Management Using E Stat [Pdf]
This 70-page teaching unit utilizes the resources on the Statistics Canada website for activities designed for Grade 9.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Interactives: Cast Your Vote!
Upper elementary, middle, and high school students can use this exhibit to get an understanding of how polls and elections are conducted. The discussion includes random samples, margins of error, and other concepts related to statistics.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Against All Odds: Inside Statistics
The video series shows students the relevance of statistics in real-world settings. The resource includes 26 half-hour videos. Topics include normal distributions, probability, random variables, experimental design, and describing data.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Statistics: Identification of Misleading Statistics Grade 8
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Understanding misleading statistics through data and data displays.
Wake Forest University: Sports Statistics
A collection of WebQuests that require students to collect and analyze statistical data from several sports teams using the Internet. An interesting, real-world approach to statistics.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Drexel Math Forum: Adventures in Statistics
This lesson plan incorporates problem-solving and data collection to satisfy a fifth grade class's curiosity about the size of their classroom with respect to a sixth grade classroom.
Carnegie Mellon University
Data and Story Library: Real World Stories of Statistics
This online library of data files and stories illustrates the use of basic statistics methods. The reader does not need to be a statistician to understand the topics discussed. Many of the short stories are humorous (the F-index of hot...
Rice University
Rice University: Cynthia Lanius: Let's Graph
An introduction to bar graphs, both vertical and horizontal in nature. The interactive aspect of this site allows students to change the values of the data - their favorite cafeteria foods - and then see how the graph is changed.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: 100 Students Project: What Do We Want to Know About Our Students?
What makes a question a statistical question? Students learn about statistical and non-statistical questions and then use that knowledge to brainstorm survey questions for their classmates.
Ibiblio: How to Lie With Statistics
A real-world example of how statistics can be used to lie. In this case, it is the issue of speed limits and insurance premiums.
University of Illinois
University of Illinois: Earthquakes of the World
Resource contains a lesson plan that utilizes data from earthquakes. Students are instructed to analyze and interpret line graphs that display the earthquake data.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Sets of Ordered Pairs: Lesson 2
This lesson explains what is meant by a set of ordered pairs. It is 2 of 5 in the series titled "Sets Of Ordered Pairs."
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Sets of Ordered Pairs: Lesson 4
This lesson explains what is meant by a set of ordered pairs. It is 4 of 5 in the series titled "Sets Of Ordered Pairs."
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Sets of Ordered Pairs: Lesson 1
This lesson explains what is meant by a set of ordered pairs. It is 1 of 5 in the series titled "Sets Of Ordered Pairs."
Meta Calculator: Statistics Calculator
A web-based statistics calculator to find mean, median, standard deviation, variance and ranges.
Free Math Help
Free Math Help: Batting Average
Here is an explanation about how to calculate a player's batting average.