Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Clothing Words (La Ropa)
Wonderful, extensive site from Ingles Mundial for Spanish-speaking ELLs. In this section, students see clothing items in a "store" and then answer comprehension questions based on price and size. Instructions are in Spanish.
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Pronunciation/sonidos
Extensive site from Ingles Mundial focusing on Spanish-speaking ELL. This section practices sound recognition - contrasts "s" & "z". Great interactive listening comprehension exercises reinforce teachings. Site has a "Teacher's...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: The Future: Pronunciation/sonidos
Extensive site focusing on Spanish-speaking ELL. This section practices sound recognition.
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial:animals (Animales): Pronunciation/sonidos
Extensive site focusing on Spanish-speaking ELL. This section practices sound recognition - contrasts sounds as in "hut/hot, nut/not." Great interactive listening comprehension exercises reinforce teachings. Site has a "Teacher's Lounge"...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Understanding Maps and Directions
Extensive site for teaching Spanish speaking ELL. The theme of this unit is the directions - An "e-mail" is presented, giving directions to a house party - Interactive exercise follows, asking comprehension questions - A guided writing...