English for Everyone
Reading Comprehension Assessent: "Carly's Family" [Pdf]
Read Theory provides a free reading comprehension assessment that is designed for reading students in early elementary grades. Six multiple choice questions and one extended response question are included on the assessment.
Criteria for Authentic Project Based Learning
Check out this site to view a comprehensive list of criteria for project-based learning. This simple list is the perfect resource for parents, teachers, and students.
Eduscapes: Teacher Tap: Project, Problem, and Inquiry Based Learning
What is problem, project, and inquiry based learning? This comprehensive website is full of resources to help you learn more about these teaching styles and strategies.
Pearson Assessments: Campbell Interest and Skill Survey
An explanation of the CISS assessment tool that measures "self-reported vocational interests and skills." The Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory matches an individual's interests and skills with prospective occupations. Links to purchase...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Introduction to Decorative Arts Quiz
Test your knowledge of decorative arts by completing this 7-question quiz.
Calculator Soup
Calculator Soup: Gpa Calculator
Use this GPA calculator to find your GPA using the standard 4.0 GPA scale or a weighted scale for Honors and AP courses. Input the course name, the number of course credits and your grade for the term.
Childnet: Are You Smart Online? Quiz
Are you SMART online? You've watched the animations, now take the quiz to see how SMART you are online! Each question in this quiz relates to a different SMART rule.Try to remember the advice that Kara, Winston and the SMART Crew gave...
Childnet: Online Safety: Smart Rules Quiz
Do you know how to be SMART online? Take our quiz and find out how SMART you are online. Read the questions and decide what the right answers are. Each question might have more than one right answer. For children ages 6-11 years old.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Respiratory System Questions
Read each passage to answer the ten-question quiz on the Respiratory system.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Inspiration, Respiratory Rate, and Respiratory Therapy
Read this passage and then test your knowledge on the respiratory system in the five-question quiz that follows.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Reproductive System Questions
This is a nine-question quiz over the Reproductive system.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Reproductive System Questions 2
This is a 10-question quiz over the Reproductive system.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: The Vagus Nerve and Mice
Read the passage The Vagus Nerve and Mice and study the graphics to answer the five-question quiz that follows.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Lymphatic System Questions
This is a ten-question quiz over the Lymphatic system.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Setting Goals and Monitoring Progress With Khan Academy
Collaborating with students to set and monitor both short and long-term goals is a key piece to successfully implementing Khan Academy with students.
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Grades 9 12 Math Teacher Library
As part of Louisiana Department of Education's teacher support toolbox library, this page contains the 9-12 Math resources.
Art Quizz: Salvador Dali
A quiz on the life of Dali. This is a great tool for assessment or review and an even greater way to incorporate technology in the artroom. Previous quizzes have not translated very well from the original French version. Proof the...
Math Slice
Math Slice: Heavy Slice Special Test
A concise test for assessing number sense using weights and scales. Assessment is scored online offering students immediate feedback. Can be used for a quick assessment.
Abcteach: Student Writing Checklist
Excellent printable writing checklist that helps students proofread their pieces and pay attention to elements of strong writing.
Planning and Preparing Portfolios
If you're intrigued by the idea of student portfolios for very young children, this resource offers suggestions and examples of how to use them effectively.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Assessing Preferred Learning Styles
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides information about learning styles. A link to many inventories for learning styles is provided. SL.9-10.1b Group Rules
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Tips for Test Taking
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides test taking tips for students. The following are a few of the tips included: QAR, pacing, and underlining.
TES Global
Tes: My Reading Record
[Free Registration/Login Required] This collection of blank reading records will help with the assessment of reading comprehension. Students write about what they have read during a teacher-determined period of time. The reading record...
Class Flow: Test Taking Strategies
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is for use while discussing test-taking strategies with students. There are several assessment questions to evaluate their understanding.