Class Flow: Fcat Power Verb Matching
[Free Registration/Login Required] This is a simple, one-page flipchart. The verbs are those considered to be power verbs, representative of the type of reading skills required to score proficiently on the Florida Comprehensive...
Class Flow: How Well Do You Know Your Constitution?
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is a paperless test that was used to test student's knowledge of the Constitution.
Class Flow: Jamestown Fort
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is a whole group activity assessment of Colonial life, particularly Jamestown, VA.
Pro Profs: Quiz Maker
Quiz Maker is a tool for both teachers and students to create a questionnaire. Registration is free. Quizzes can be shared or kept private. Results can be stored online and used for evaluation purposes. The ads can be distractin', and it...
Nctp: Ez Audits Accountability Made E Z
The National Center for Technology Planning (NCTP)offers five QUICK-START guidelines that will help you achieve success in your accountability efforts. These five steps are broken down to: Attitude, Organization, Maintenance, Growth and...
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Sports in Physics: Measuring Velocity in a Mini Olympic
The Illinois Institute of Technology provides this site on Physics. It is a student lab investigation in which students compare the concept and quantity of velocity to that of acceleration. Includes directions, ideas for assessment, a...