Grammarly Blog: Semicolon Between Dependent and Independent Clauses
Rules and examples for using semicolons with complex sentences.
Grammarly Blog: Comma Before Too
This page explains the use of commas to emphasize the word "too" in a sentence; the use of one, two, or no commas depend of the use of "too" and its placement in the sentence.
Grammarly Blog: Quotation Marks in Titles
Rules and examples for using quotation marks correctly when writing titles of short works.
Grammarly Blog: Comma After Question Mark
This page explains how to puctuate a direct quotation that ends in a question mark or an explanation point. If the quote comes before the attributive tag, no comma is needed; if the attributive tag comes before the quote, a comma is...
Grammarly Blog: Comma Splice
This page focuses on the misuse of commas by using them to connect two independent clauses, resulting in a comma splice. It offers examples and suggestions for correcting them. It also provides exceptions to the rule with examples.
Grammarly Blog: Comma With Subjects and Verbs
This page focuses on the misuse of a comma when it is used to separate the subject of the sentence from the verb. It provides examples of such sentences and one exception to the rule.
Grammarly Blog: Dangling Modifiers
This Grammarly Handbook resource clarifies the topic of dangling modifiers."How to" directions for correcting sentences with dangling modifiers are provided.
Grammarly Blog: Incomplete Comparisons
An explanation and examples of incomplete comparisons and how to correct them.
Grammarly Blog: Parallelism With Not Only, but Also
An explanation of parallel structure with the correlative conjunction not only but also.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphen With Compound Modifiers
Rules and examples for using hyphens when writing compound modifiers.
Grammarly Blog: As Well as Comma
This page explains that the use of the prhase "as well as" in sentences requires a judgement call; it usually does not require the use of a comma unless it is part of a non-restrictive clause, but exceptions apply. Examples are provided.
Grammarly Blog: Parallelism in Writing
An explanation and examples of using parallelism in writing.
Grammarly Blog: Parallel Structure With Clauses
An explanation of how to use parallel structure with clauses.
Grammarly Blog: Period
Rules and examples for using a period correctly at the end of a sentence.
Grammarly Blog: Conditional Sentences. Was Instead of Were in the Unreal If
This Grammarly Handbook resource clarifies topic of conditional sentences. The hypothetical situation of using the verb was in a clause beginning with the word if is discussed.
Grammarly Blog: Question Mark
Rules and examples for using question marks correctly in sentences.
Grammarly Blog: Double Comparatives and Superlatives
This page focuses on forming comparatives and superlatives and the misuse of double comparisons and superlatives such as "most fastest."
Grammarly Blog: Exclamation Mark
This page explains the uses of exclamation marks including when to use and not use them and provides examples.
Grammarly Blog: Conditional Sentences. Would Have in the if Clause
This Grammarly Handbook resource clarifies examples of conditional sentencs. The examples provided in this resource include the word if, the phrase would have, and a past participle.
Grammarly Blog: Comma Before Parenthesis
This page explains the proper use of commas with parenthesis: no comma before a parenthesis, no comma after a parenthesis unless it is needed for another reason such as a long introductory clause in a complex sentence, and no commas if...
Grammarly Blog: Quotations Within a Quotation
Rules and examples for using quotation marks within a quotation.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphen in Compound Adjective With High or Low
Rules and examples for using a hyphen when adding the prefixes high- or low-.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphen in Compound Adjective With Numbers
Rules and examples for using hyphens when writing numbers that act as compound adjectives.