Joe Landsberger
Study Guides and Strategies
With over 100 separate pages of guides to studying and organizing work, this site gives tips on everything from learning how to learn, to managing your time, to how to prepare for essay exams. Selected site content is translated into 25...
University at Buffalo
Suny at Buffalo: Study Habits and Test Anxiety
Do you study hard, but still fear tests? Here are some tips about how to create a good study environment, and how to recognize, address and overcome test anxiety. Although this site was created with college students in mind, students of...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Multitasking: Brain Drain or Boost in Efficiency?
Think it's a good idea to plug into iTunes, surf the Web, or watch TV while doing homework or trying to read? Many people do it and claim that jumping from one activity to another keeps their attention level up and even gives their brain...
Note Taking Skills
This site contains information on taking good notes and how to use them effectively. Check out all three note-taking and listening links as the information varies.
Read Write Think: Building Reading Comprehension Through Think Alouds
The Think-Aloud method has be shown to improve information retention. The lesson plan contained within this site models for teachers how to model this strategy. There is a rubric included for assessment.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Individual Tasks
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides effective time management strategies for cooperative groups. Students will work on time management and an aid to with group engagement. SL.11-12.1c Questions/Part
Mind Tools
Goal Setting Planning and Achieving Personal Ambitions
This site contains articles on the importance of setting and achieving effective goals.
Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech: Study Skills Checklist
Survey-style checklist that asks the students several questions in order to evaluate his/her study skills. The questions are categorized so the student can tell where to focus in order to maximize study time.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Coping With Test Anxiety
Created to teach students of the 21st century, SOPHIA is bringing study skills straight to your fingertips. Become the commander of your own learning experiences as you take over your test anxiety.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Learning Strategies: A Test Taking Survival Guide
Created to teach students of the 21st century, SOPHIA is bringing test taking strategies straight to your fingertips. Learn and explore the various ways to overcome the stressors of test taking.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Study Skills: Tips for Taking Written Exams
Created to teach students of the 21st century, SOPHIA is bringing the test taking strategies straight to your fingertips. Ace your next written exam and find test success!
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Use Outlines, Notetaking, Graphic Organizers, Lists
You will learn how to use outlines, notes, graphic organizers, and lists to help you evaluate and organize your ideas.
College of St. Benedict: Lecture Note Taking
This site contains information on taking notes during lectures and gives signal words to listen for during the lecture.
Department of Defense
Do Dea: Improve Your Study Skills
Having trouble studying for tests or comprehending new material? This in-depth guide provides a multitude of ways to help you acquire reading and critical thinking skills necessary for understanding new material.
Bbc: Cbbc Newsround: Beating Exam Stress: What Is Exam Stress?
Read about stress, its triggers, and how to cope.
Joe Landsberger
Study Guides and Strategies: Anticipating Test Content
This site gives information on how to find out what information is going to be on the test and how to prepare for it. Foreign language versions of this page are available from the English home site.
Joe Landsberger
Index Study System
This site gives information on a system of study that uses index cards. Foreign language versions of this page are availabe from the English home site.
Joe Landsberger
Study Guides & Strategies:tips for Terrrific Test Taking
This site gives suggestions for taking good tests.
Joe Landsberger
Study Guides & Strategies: Sq3 R Reading Method
For students, the SQ3R Reading Method provides a method for how to read and comprehend a reading assignment.
Joe Landsberger
Study Guides & Strategies for Speakers of Arabic.
This is the Arabic language version of a study skills site also available in English and other languages as well. Different sections teach skills in reading and writing, Internet literacy, critical thinking, math, science, dealing with...
California State University
Reading Strategies From the University of Waterloo
Brief and easy to read, this California State University Northridge site lists strategies for getting the most of your reading. Geared for reading texts and technical material.
Ad Solution Shop: A Counseling and Study Skills Program for Middle School
Solution Shop is a counseling and study skills program designed to address the academic needs of struggling middle school students. In this program, the school counselor serves the critical role of developing and providing appropriate...
LD Online
Ld Online: Helping Your Child With Organization and Study
On this site on study skills, scroll about 3/4 of the way down the page for a section on note taking. Content includes some helpful hints to improve your note taking, taking notes from reading vs. listening to lectures, and different...