Wisconsin Response to Intervention Center
Wisconsin Rt I Center: Column Notes [Pdf]
Teachers will learn about the Column Notes graphic organizer, a tool that will help students analyze and synthesize what is viewed read, viewed, or heard. Reproducible Column Notes are provided.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: Read to Learn, Share What You Learn [Pdf]
Several tips for reading to learn are provided on this page. Students will explore the BIG idea presented in a nonfiction piece.
Mtsu: A Dozen Reasons to Review a Returned Test
This site gives reasons why it is good to look over returned tests.
Middle Tennessee State University: Study Skills Help Page
The Study Skills Help Page offers many learning strategies for success. The website is based on a college course - it has a wide variety of online learning resources such as study skills course objective, notes, and practice tests/games.
University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota Duluth: Test Taking Strategies
This site from the University of Minnesota Duluth contains great strategies for test taking. It includes information on the strategies that should be applied before the test, during the test, and after the test. This is a great site to...
Open Universiteit: Studieplaza
Enter the Study Plaza and learn how to manage your time and to study effectively.
Virginia Tech
Cook Counseling Center: Editing Lecture Notes
Provides information on how to edit your lecture notes after the lecture.
Virginia Tech
Beehive Wordpress: The Cornell System
This resource gives information on the Cornell Note-taking System. It gives the three steps involved in this process.
University of Northern Iowa: Study Skills
Collection of web sites that provide tips to help you study more effectively, manage your time, take better notes, and handle the stresses of school life.
Read Write Think: The Mysteries of Memory Memorization Techniques That Work
Contains plans for four lessons that teach students about memory and techniques to better remember information. In addition to objectives and standards, this instructional plan contains links to sites used in the lessons as well as...
National Health Museum
Access Excellence: Sq3 R Plus
This site gives a description of the steps in the SQ3R method. It also gives details and examples of each step.
Hopelink: Reading Lesson Idea: Real Life Reading Materials
The purpose of this reading lesson is to offer a reading and comprehension lesson based on real-life reading materials. This gives students the opportunity to gain reading comprehension skills from real-life reading material.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Iste Nets: Birthstone Project With a Multimedia Twist
This interdisciplinary project on birthstones, provided by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), focuses on research skills, writing skills, and the ability to put together an electronic presentation.
Scholastic Instructor: Everyday Study Skills
Discover more about everyday study skills through this informative resource. This article is a great resource for teachers who are looking for lessons, activities pertaining to study skills.
City University of New York
John Jay College: Basic Outlining
This site gives you general information on outlining. It also gives you a sample of some ideas to outline.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Identifying Knowledge Gaps: A Tutorial
In this tutorial slide presentation, students will learn steps to use to clarify unfamiliar content. The steps include the following: identifying what you do know, identifying what you do not know, and identifying where you can learn...
How to Study: Taking Notes in Class
In order to take notes effectively, an easy to follow system is suggested at this site. This page is geared towards students of all ages.
How to Study: Preparing to Study
These simple reminders can help you organize and prepare to get the most out of the study time you have.
How to Study: The Deter Strategy for Taking Tests
To do well on a test, you must have good knowledge of the information that is being tested. But you must also have a strategy for taking the test that allows you to show what you know. The DETER strategy can help you do your best on any...
Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech: Time Management, Study Skills
This site from the Virginia Tech University contains a link to "time management strategies for improving academic performance". By clicking on this link, a step by step course in managing time better will show up. A very interesting site...
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Activities for Struggling Readers
How can you help the struggling readers in your classroom? This site offers some insight into activities to help develop your students reading skills.
Chulalongkorn University: Skimming and Scanning
This site from the Chulalongkorn University contains general information on skimming and scanning when reading.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Tips for Managing Your Study Time
While you may not be able to cut down on all of your responsibilities during SAT practice time, there are some ways you can structure your planning and studying to keep things going smoothly and ensuring that nothing gets left by the...